We trust your experience of care at our hospitals has been of the high standard you expected from us.
We invite you to take part in our survey about your care at our hospitals.
Some of the questions we ask you are part of the NHS Friends and Family Test. If you wish to, you can read more about the Friends and Family Test before completing the survey.
Taking part in the survey is voluntary and your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence.
General comments
If you have any general comments about your stay in hospital or want to speak with someone about your care, please contact PALS (patient advice and liaison service):
Royal Brompton Hospital
Tel: 020 7349 7715
Harefield Hospital
Tel: 01895 826 572
Monday to Friday
9 am to 4 pm
Email: pals@rbht.nhs.uk
Your feedback is valuable and it helps us to recognise what we do well and to improve our services where needed.
If you have any concerns about any aspect of the service you have received in our hospitals, please speak to the ward manager, or the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS). PALS is near main reception at both hospitals and can be contacted on 020 7349 7715 at Royal Brompton or 01895 826 572 at Harefield Hospital.