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The NHS Friends and Family Test

What is the Friends and Family Test?

We want to ensure that you have the best possible experience of care at our hospitals. The Friends and Family Test is a way of gathering your feedback about this experience and helping to drive improvement in hospital services.

If you have been a patient at one of our hospitals, we will ask you to give us feedback on your experience.

The results will provide a way for you to easily compare NHS hospitals so that you know where you can your family can get the best possible care.

The information will also give us invaluable information on what you think of our services, which can be used to help make improvements if needed.

How does it work?

When you are discharged, or within the 48 hours that follow, you will be asked to answer the following question:

“How likely are you to recommend our ward to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?”

You will be invited to respond to the question by choosing one of six options, ranging from ‘extremely likely’ to ‘extremely unlikely’.

It is really important to us that you tell us why you gave your answer, so please answer any follow-up questions.

You may be asked to answer the question before going home, or you may be invited to do so by returning a postcard, by phone or on our website.

Your answer will not be traced back to you, and your details will not be passed on to anyone. A member of your family or a friend is welcome to help you give your feedback to the question if you are unable to.

Do I have to answer the question?

You do not have to answer the question, but your feedback will provide us with valuable information to help ensure patients have the best possible experience.

How will the results be used?

Our PPI team will gather and analyse the results to see if any action is needed. We will publish the results on our website and on NHS Choices where you can compare the results to other hospitals.

Does this replace the existing compliments or complaints procedure, or other forms of feedback used?

No, you can still pass your compliments or complaints to us by contacting PALS or completing a feedback form.

You can read more about the Friends and Family Test on NHS Choices