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Patient information leaflets

After your angiogram or angioplasty - Royal Brompton Hospital (338 KB)
Advice to help you recover as quickly as possible after your angiogram or angioplasty.

After your angiogram or angioplasty - Harefield Hospital (1.03 MB)
Advice to help you recover as quickly as possible after your angiogram or angioplasty.

After your heart operation - Royal Brompton Hospital (2.17 MB)
This booklet gives you general information about going home after your heart operation.

After your primary angioplasty - Harefield Hospital (446 KB)
This leaflet gives you general information to support your recovery after your primary angioplasty.

Cardiac catheterisation (for children) (1.33 MB)
This leaflet gives parents and carers general information about cardiac catheterisation for their children.

Congenital heart disease transition clinic (490 KB)
This leaflet will help you move from children's services to adult services

Endocarditis (243 KB)
A guide to endocarditis and how you can reduce your risk of developing it.

Going home after your aortic valve implantation (TAVI) (269 KB)
This leaflet explains what to expect and how you might feel after your TAVI implant. 

Having a MitraClip prodecure (458 KB)
This leaflet is for patients with mitral regurgitation, who may be suitable for a MitraClip procedure to repair the mitral valve.

Information for the family and friends of patients admitted to Harefield Hospital heart attack centre (134 KB)
This leaflet provides you with information about what happens when your relative or friend is admitted to hospital with a suspected heart attack.

Living with your ICD - Royal Brompton Hospital (464 KB)
This leaflet is a general guide on living with and adapting to life with your implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD).

Living with your pacemaker - Royal Brompton Hospital (460 KB)
This leaflet is a general guide on living with and adapting to life with a pacemaker.

Managing your pain after cardiac device insertion (334 KB)
This leaflet is a general guide to managing your pain after cardiac device insertion.

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) patient passport (PDF, 384 KB)
This 'PH passport' contains all the information you need about your pulmonary hypertension (PH) care and treatment. 

What is pulmonary hypertension? - Royal Brompton Hospital (637 KB)
This leaflet provides you with information about pulmonary hypertension and what to expect during your time in hospital.

Your cardiac pacemaker - Harefield Hospital (407 KB)
This leaflet gives you general information about pacemakers, and what to expect before, during and after your pacemaker has been fitted.

Your coronary angiogram - Harefield Hospital (273 KB)
This leaflet gives you general information about your coronary angiogram.

Your coronary angioplasty - Harefield Hospital (316 KB)
This leaflet gives you general information on your coronary angioplasty.

Your coronary angioplasty - Royal Brompton Hospital (521 KB)
This leaflet gives you general information on your coronary angioplasty.

Your heart operation (174 KB)
This booklet gives information about your heart operation at Royal Brompton Hospital.

Your implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) - Harefield Hospital (423KB)
This leaflet gives you general information on your implantable cardioverter-defibrillator.

Your patent foramen ovale closure - Harefield Hospital (673.5 KB)
This leaflet explains what happens when you have a patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure.

Your transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) (1 MB)
Information about TAVI, a non-invasive, heart valve replacement procedure.

ACE inhibitors for children (290KB)
This leaflet gives more information about the medicines captopril, enalapril and lisinopril.

Cardiac catheterisation (for children) (1.33 MB)
This leaflet gives parents and carers general information about cardiac catheterisation for their children.

Congenital heart disease transition clinic (489 KB)
Helping you move from children's services to adult services.

Cyanotic spells (blue spells) and your child (388 KB)
This leaflet is for children who have cyanotic spells (blue spells) because of their heart condition. 

Family liaison service (650 KB)
This leaflet gives you general information about our family liaison service.

Home Intravenous (IV) therapy for your child (333 KB)
This leaflet provides parents and carers with information about how to safely give IV therapy at home. 

Innocent heart murmur (370 KB)
This leaflet gives information about innocent heart murmurs.

Prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers in children (622 KB)
This leaflet gives you general information about the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers in children.

When your child goes home after heart surgery (96 KB)
Information to help you when your child is going home after his or her heart surgery at Royal Brompton Hospital.

Your child's CT scan (151 KB)
This leaflet aims to answer your questions about your child having a CT scan.

Your child’s flexible bronchoscopy (176 KB)
Information about what bronchoscopy is, why it might be necessary, and what you can expect if your child has this procedure.

Your child's sedation (136KB)
This leaflet aims to answer your questions about your child having sedation. 

You child's stay in hospital (373 KB)
This booklet gives information about your child's stay in the children's department at Royal Brompton Hospital. 

After your heart operation - Royal Brompton (2.17 MB)
This booklet gives you general information about going home after your heart operation.

Cardiac catheterisation (for children) (1.33 MB)
This leaflet gives parents and carers general information about cardiac catheterisation for their children.

Growing up with a heart condition easy-read booklet (579 KB)
This easy-read booklet gives you information about growing up with a heart condition.

Innocent heart murmur (370 KB)
This leaflet gives information about innocent heart murmurs.

When your child goes home after heart surgery (487 KB)
Information to help you when your child is going home after his or her heart surgery at Royal Brompton Hospital.

Delirium - acute confusion while in hospital (187 KB)
This leaflet gives you general information about delirium - acute confusion while in hospital.

Getting help with travel costs when coming to hospital (197 KB)
Updated February 2018

Information about hospital transport (304 KB)
This leaflet gives you general information about our transport service for patients.

Information for families following a bereavement (371 KB)
This information has been adapted from a document produced by the National Quality Board and was developed with the support of families and healthcare organisations. 

Information for families following the death of a child (208 KB)
This information is about the bereavement and support services available to families whose child has died while they were a patient of Royal Brompton Hospital. 

PALS - we are here to help you (307 KB)
This leaflet provides information about our patient advice and liaison service (PALS).

24-hour ECG (Holter monitoring) - Harefield Hospital
A leaflet about your 24-hour ECG (electrocardiogram), also known as Holter monitoring. 

Cardiac catheterisation (for children) (1.33 MB)
This leaflet gives parents and carers general information about cardiac catheterisation for their children.

Having a CT coronary angiography scan (497 KB)
This leaflet provides general information about your CT coronary angiography scan.

Your cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) scan (351 KB)
This leaflet provides information about your cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) scan.

Your coronary angiogram - Harefield Hospital (273 KB)
This leaflet gives you general information about your coronary angiogram.

Your coronary angioplasty - Royal Brompton Hospital (521 KB)
This leaflet gives you general information on your coronary angioplasty.

Your nuclear medicine myocardial perfusion scan - Harefield Hospital (395 KB)
This leaflet gives you information on your nuclear medicine myocardial perfusion scan. This scan shows how well your heart muscle is being supplied with blood.

Your nuclear medicine myocardial perfusion scan - Royal Brompton Hospital (467 KB)
This leaflet gives you information on your nuclear medicine myocardial perfusion scan. This scan shows how well your heart muscle is being supplied with blood.

Your stress echocardiogram - Royal Brompton Hospital (79.1 KB)
This leaflet gives you general information on your stress echocardiogram (echo). This test helps your doctor understand how your heart copes when it is made to work harder, such as during exercise.

Having a CT coronary angiography scan (497 KB)
This leaflet provides general information about your CT coronary angiography scan.

SPECT-CT scan - Harefield Hospital (57 KB)
This leaflet gives information about what a SPECT-CT scan is and what happens when you have your appointment.

Your cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) scan - Royal Brompton Hospital (35 1KB)
This leaflet provides information about your cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) scan.

Your nuclear medicine bone scan - Harefield Hospital (508 KB)
This leaflet provides information about your nuclear medicine bone scan.

Your nuclear medicine DMSA kidney scan - Harefield Hospital (121 KB)
This information sheet gives you details about your appointment for a kidney scan.

Your nuclear medicine GI bleed scan - Harefield Hospital (145 KB)
This information sheet gives you details about your appointment for a GI bleed scan. 

Your nuclear medicine I-123 MIBG scan - Harefield Hospital (164 KB)
This information sheet gives you details about your appointment for an I-123 MIBG scan. 

Your nuclear medicine MAG3 renogram - Harefield Hospital (96 KB)
This leaflet gives you information about your nuclear medicine MAG3 renogram scan.

Your nuclear medicine MAG3 indirect cystogram scan - Harefield Hospital (96 KB)
This leaflet gives you information about your nuclear medicine MAG3 indirect cystogram scan.

Your nuclear medicine myocardial perfusion scan - Harefield Hospital (335 KB)
This leaflet gives you information on your nuclear medicine myocardial perfusion scan. This scan shows how well your heart muscle is being supplied with blood.

Your nuclear medicine myocardial perfusion scan - Royal Brompton Hospital (519 KB)
This leaflet gives you information on your nuclear medicine myocardial perfusion scan. This scan shows how well your heart muscle is being supplied with blood.

Your nuclear medicine thyroid scan - Harefield Hospital (153 KB)
This information sheet gives you details about your appointment for a thyroid scan.

Endocarditis (103 KB)
A guide to endocarditis and how you can reduce your risk of developing it.

Hygiene and wound care for patients having surgery (327 KB)
This leaflet explains how to care for your wounds after heart and lung surgery.

Information about MRSA (297 KB)
The leaflet gives you information about MRSA, including how to stop MRSA from spreading. 

Your continuous laryngoscopy during exercise (CLE) test (92.6 KB)
This leaflet gives you general information about a continuous laryngoscopy during exercise (CLE) test.

Your lung surgery (458 KB)
This booklet gives your information about having lung surgery at Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals. 

Flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) test (102 KB)
This information sheet explains what a FEES test is and how to prepare for it

Information about lipoprotein apheresis, Harefield Hospital (337 KB)
This leaflet gives general information about lipoprotein apheresis which is used lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.

Managing your pain after cardiac device insertion (334 KB)
This leaflet is a general guide to managing your pain after cardiac device insertion.

Patient controlled analgesia (PCA) (410 KB)
How to use a pump for pain relief after surgery. A PCA pump gives a fixed amount of pain relief medication (analgesia), controlled by the patient.

Your peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) or midline catheter (270 KB)
This leaflet gives general information about using and looking after your peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) or midline catheter at home. 

Your pulmonary rehabilitation course - Harefield Hospital (393 KB)
What happens in the pulmonary rehabilitation programme - what you'll learn, how it can help you, and where to find a class. 

Information for families following a bereavement (371 KB)
This information has been adapted from a document produced by the National Quality Board and was developed with the support of families and healthcare organisations. 

Information for families following the death of a child (401 KB)
This information is about the bereavement and support services available to families whose child has died while they were a patient of Royal Brompton Hospital. 

PALS - we are here to help you (306 KB)
This leaflet provides information about our patient advice and liaison service (PALS).

After your lung surgery (281 KB)
This booklet gives information about going home after lung surgery. The booklet has an accompanying checklist to help you return home safely.

Having a right heart catheter to test for pulmonary hypertension (165KB)
This leaflet provides information about having a right heart catheter (RHC) procedure to test for pulmonary hypertension.

Lung tumour ablation (490 KB)
This leaflet gives you general information about your lung tumour ablation treatment.

Lung tumour ablation (Harefield Hospital (429KB)
This leaflet gives you general information about your lung tumour ablation treatment.

Managing your chest drain at home (373 KB)
This leaflet gives you, your district nurse and GP (family doctor) information on how to manage your chest drain at home.

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) patient passport (PDF, 384 KB)
This 'PH passport' contains all the information you need about your pulmonary hypertension (PH) care and treatment. 

Severe asthma biologic service (356 KB)
This booklet explains what to expect if you are offered biologic treatment for your asthma. It also provides you with some advice on how to manage your asthma symptoms and the medication you take. 

Systematic Assessment for Refractory Asthma (303 KB)
This leaflet gives you general information about your admission for systematic assessment of refractory asthma (SARA).

Taking opioids to treat breathlessness (404 KB)
This leaflet gives you general information about taking opioids for breathlessness.

The adult asthma CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) service - Royal Brompton Hospital (99 KB)
This leaflet provides information about the adult asthma CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) service.

What is pulmonary hypertension? - Royal Brompton Hospital (637 KB)
This leaflet provides you with information about pulmonary hypertension and what to expect during your time in hospital.

Your continuous laryngoscopy during exercise (CLE) test (92.6 KB)
This leaflet gives you general information about a continuous laryngoscopy during exercise (CLE) test.

Your pulmonary rehabilitation course - Harefield Hospital (200 KB)
This leaflet is about your pulmonary rehabilitation course, for people with lung disease.

Having a CT coronary angiography scan (497 KB)
This leaflet provides general information about your CT coronary angiography scan.

Your cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) scan - Royal Brompton Hospital (2 MB)
This leaflet provides information about your cardiovascular magnetic

Your nuclear medicine DMSA kidney scan - Harefield Hospital (121 KB)
This information sheet gives you details about your appointment for a kidney scan.

Your nuclear medicine myocardial perfusion scan - Harefield Hospital (395 KB)
This leaflet gives you information on your nuclear medicine myocardial perfusion scan. This scan shows how well your heart muscle is being supplied with blood.

Your nuclear medicine myocardial perfusion scan - Royal Brompton Hospital (467 KB)
This leaflet gives you information on your nuclear medicine myocardial perfusion scan. This scan shows how well your heart muscle is being supplied.

Your nuclear medicine thyroid scan (39 KB)
This leaflet explains why and how we perform this scan.

Your nuclear medicine GFR test (168KB)
This leaflet gives you information on your nuclear medicine glomerular filtration rate (GFR) test. This test provides a measurement of how well your kidneys are working.

Your stress echocardiogram - Royal Brompton Hospital (79.1 KB)
This leaflet gives you general information on your stress echocardiogram (echo). This test helps your doctor understand how your heart copes when it is made to work harder, such as during exercise.

Your nuclear medicine Lung V/Q SPECT CT scan – Harefield Hospital (108 KB)
This leaflet provides information about your nuclear medicine Lung V/Q SPECT CT scan

Epidural - Discharge advice for patients
Discharge advice for patients who have had an epidural

Information for families following a bereavement (371 KB)
This information has been adapted from a document produced by the National Quality Board and was developed with the support of families and healthcare organisations. 

Information for families following the death of a child (208 KB)
This information is about the bereavement and support services available to families whose child has died while they were a patient of Royal Brompton Hospital.

Making eating easier when you have a poor appetite (178 KB)
This leaflet aims to make eating easier if you have a poor or low appetite.

Pressure ulcers: prevention and treatment (540 KB)
This leaflet gives you and your carer information on pressure ulcers, how they develop, how to prevent them and what treatment you will be given if you develop a pressure ulcer.

Preventing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) (349 KB)
This leaflet gives general information on reducing the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE).

Your recovery from COVID-19 (3 MB)
This leaflet gives you useful tips and strategies to support your recovery from COVID-19. 

After your heart operation - Royal Brompton Hospital (2.17 MB)
This booklet gives you general information about going home after your heart operation.

After your lung surgery (616 KB)
This booklet gives information about going home after lung surgery.

Donating heart valves during heart transplant surgery (356 KB)
This leaflet gives you general information about how you can help other patients by donating your heart valves when you have heart transplant surgery.

Endocarditis (103 KB)
A guide to endocarditis and how you can reduce your risk of developing it.

Preparing for your heart operation (596 KB)
This leaflet provides general information on heart surgery and how to prepare for your operation at Royal Brompton Hospital.

Preventing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) (349 KB)
This leaflet gives general information on reducing the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE).

Your heart operation (174 KB)
This booklet gives information about your heart operation at Royal Brompton Hospital.