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Join Trailblazers: our patient youth group

The Brompton Fountain and Patient & Public Engagement Team run a youth group called Trailblazers for patients aged 13-25 who receive care at Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals. Trailblazers offers young patients (including their siblings) the opportunity to take part in social events with other young patients, have their say on our youth healthcare services, and get involved in workshops to boost their skills.

What does Trailblazers offer?

Created and led by young people, Trailblazers provides opportunities to:

  • meet other young people receiving care at our hospitals
  • sign up to social events and activities
  • participate in workshops to learn new life skills 
  • have their say on youth healthcare services at Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals

Where do the meet ups take place?

The group meets on Zoom 1 to 2 times each month for different sessions, led by professionals and young people. The sessions take place online so that everyone can take part – for example, if they live further away. We are also starting to arrange in person events where we do something fun together - we are always looking for new ideas for activities, so tell us what you think we should do next!

How do I sign up?

To become a member of Trailblazers, you can join the group here.   

Get in touch 

Whatsapp: 07934548070

The Trailblazers team

  • Christina Lea, senior play specialist