Clinic summary
Harefield Hospital respiratory rapid response clinic is a consultant-led multidisciplinary one-stop service that aims to rapidly treat exacerbation of chronic respiratory disease to prevent clinical deterioration and need for acute hospitalisation. Patients will be seen by a senior respiratory doctor and appropriate cardiopulmonary investigations performed. If necessary, changes in medication, appropriate prescription of oxygen, initiation of nebulisers, and chest physiotherapy can be provided in a one-stop clinic.
Clinic days
Tuesdays and Fridays
Clinical lead and clinical team
- Dr William Man
- Dr Shirmila Withana
- Sharyl James
- Melanie Curtis
Who should be referred?
Patients must be current or past patients known to Harefield Hospital's respiratory medicine or pulmonary rehabilitation teams with a clinical deterioration in their chronic respiratory disease. Patients requiring urgent acute hospital management should not be referred to this clinic.
Referral process
Phone call to the clinical team to be supplemented by faxed summary.
Please contact the specialist physiotherapist (Melanie Curtis on bleep 6434) or the respiratory registrar via switchboard to discuss the case.
Letter / fax to 01895 828851.