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Item Tracker – software for facilitating traceability of human tissue

Item Tracker is a software program used to document the traceability of organs, tissues and cells which are stored and used for research.

Item Tracker is available through Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust’s computer network. Researchers using Trust PCs to access Item Tracker can request installation of the software by completing an IS2 form on the intranet.

Honorary staff can access Item Tracker through dedicated Trust computers based at Guy Scadding Building, Emmanuel Kaye Building and the Heart Science Centre. Alternatively, researchers can obtain remote access by following the process described in the Guidance on accessing Item Tracker (PDF, 330KB).

More information on what Item Tracker must be used for, and when, can be found in the Policy for the traceability of relevant material and use of Item Tracker (PDF, 161KB).

If you need more information about Item Tracker please contact tissue governance manager, Ryan Jones.

Item Tracker documents

TG-GD018-R Guidance on accessing Item Tracker (PDF, 330KB)

TG-FORM013-R Item Tracker leaver form v2.0 (DOC, 33KB)

ItemTracker Manual Contingency Plan (PDF, 105KB)

New Item Tracker user form v2.0 (DOC, 36KB)

Item Tracker user manual (PDF, 603KB)

TG-POL002-R Policy for the traceability and use of RBHT tracking software V4.0 (PDF, 161KB)

TG-SOP010-R Procedure for transferring material of human origin for use in research V3.0 (PDF, 102KB)

