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Digital storytelling

Stories and storytelling have been used throughout time to share learning and knowledge. A good story engages our curiosity, emotions and imagination, helping us make sense of a complex world.

Stories are often more memorable and more nuanced than feedback collected through other means such as surveys. Some mandated surveys can overlook groups of individuals with specific conditions. Storytelling can better reflect the experiences of all patients and can help us get to know our patients better, put ourselves in their shoes and understand their needs, as well as provide opportunities to celebrate and replicate experiences of great care.

What is digital storytelling?

Digital storytelling simply means using multimedia to bring stories to life - for example, through narration and images in a video. You do not need to have any skills in multimedia as our trained peer leaders (people who are also our patients) will work with you to produce a digital story. 

To see an example of digital storytelling, watch Charlie Churchill's story below as he speaks about his journey as a patient at Harefield Hospital, where he received a double bypass and an aortic valve replacement.

How to share your story

If you would like to share your story, please contact the patient and public engagement team: 

Phone: 0207 352 8121 ext. 84116

Stories should ideally be within the last 12 months. We will only share and publish your story, for example on our website, social media, or staff-facing channels, with your permission.