Our surgical oncology team provide specialist respiratory and thoracic surgical services for the diagnosis and management of lung cancer – in both the primary and metastatic setting.
We provide diagnostic services, curative surgery and palliative treatments for thoracic cancers. This includes primary lung cancer, chest wall sarcomas and where a variety of secondary disease sites within the chest are present.
Multidisciplinary teams
All referrals are reviewed and managed by our specialist multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) in close contact with the referring clinicians and hospitals, to ensure that all patient needs are jointly addressed.
Our MDT includes:
- thoracic surgeons
- respiratory physicians
- oncologists
- histopathologists
- radiologists
- specialist nurses
- palliative care specialists
Working with others
We work with other specialist providers to help patients transfer to chemotherapy or radiotherapy when necessary, as seamlessly as possible. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are typically provided by our colleagues at Royal Marsden Hospital (for Royal Brompton Hospital patients) and Mount Vernon Cancer Centre (for Harefield Hospital patients) or, where possible and if preferred by a patient, at a trust near to the patient's home.
Supporting you
We plan treatment and investigations in consultation with you and your family to help you choose the best treatment option. We also provide information and other support that you or your family might need.
We provide services to both NHS and private patients.
We regularly ask our patients and referring trusts for their feedback on our services and constantly working to enhance and develop it further.
Health professionals
If you are a health professional looking for information on surgical oncology referrals, find out more.
Read our patient stories
Read the 2013 National Cancer Patient Experience Survey reports
Read or download the LCA Lung Cancer Clinical Guidelines on the London Cancer Alliance website.
Useful links: