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Cancer services

Patients are referred to us by GPs and other hospitals for the diagnosis and treatment of cancers of the chest. 

We work closely with other hospitals to provide all the care our patients need, including chemotherapy, radiotherapy and follow-up care.

Our work

We diagnose and treat:

  • lung cancers
  • secondary cancer within the chest
  • oesophageal cancers.

We use a variety of methods to confirm whether patients do in fact have cancer and to identify what stage it has reached. Our hospitals are well-equipped with the latest scanning devices, which allow us to diagnose some patients without performing a biopsy.

If surgery proves necessary, you will be treated by surgeons with extensive experience in this field - we carry out chest surgery on more than 2,300 patients every year.

Other treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy are provided by our colleagues at Royal Marsden hospital (for Royal Brompton patients) and Mount Vernon Cancer Centre (for Harefield patients) or, where possible, at a hospital near to your home.

Special expertise

Our teams include: 

  • surgeons
  • histopathologists
  • radiologists
  • specialist nurses
  • palliative care specialists 
  • oncologists. 

This allows each patient to have a 'consensus treatment plan' with immediate access to the best treatment available.

Our doctors are pioneering 'cryosurgery' where tumours are frozen inside the body, allowing treatment for some people who would not be able to have a standard operation.

Financial help

Many patients find that being diagnosed with cancer can bring extra strains on their family finances. 

We have a dedicated Macmillan Welfare Rights Officer who works across both hospital sites, who can see patients and their families to offer financial and benefits advice and support to anyone who would like this service.

Lung cancer nursing team contact details

Royal Brompton Hospital

Royal Brompton Hospital Macmillan Lung Cancer CNS Team

Phone: 020 7352 8121 (ext. 84134)

Harefield Hospital 

Harefield Hospital Macmillan Lung Cancer CNS Team

Phone: 01895 823 737 (ext. 85313) 

Listen: Carole's journey

Carole, who was diagnosed with lung cancer following a routine health check, speaks about her experience as a patient at Royal Brompton Hospital. Listen to her story
