Friday 9 May 2025
8am to 5.30pm
Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre
Royal Brompton Hospital
South Parade
This course is a one-day course with a mix of lectures and hands-on training.
Bookings and enquiries
For more information, contact or 020 73518971.
Course objectives
Achieve four standard transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) views and perform advanced life support (ALS)-compliant TTE, to diagnose/exclude treatable causes of cardiac arrest/circulatory collapse as recommended for adult resuscitation by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation, the European Resuscitation Council and the Resuscitation Council UK 2010.
There will be subsequent mentored practice and logbook completion leading to Resuscitation Council UK certification and the course is endorsed by the British Society of Echocardiography (BSE) certification in peri-resuscitation echocardiography.
You will get five CPD credits from the Royal College of Anaesthetists on completion of this course and the course is Focused Intensive Care Echo (FICE) approved.
Who is it for?
- Anyone involved in advanced life support and resuscitation or looking after acutely ill or emergency patients
- intensivists
- physicians
- surgeons
- resuscitation officers
- ICU nurses
No previous echocardiography/ultrasound experience is required.
Refund policy
Cancellations made with less than five weeks before the date of the course will incur a 10 per cent administrative fee in addition to the course registration fee. The remaining funds will be reimbursed on receipt of written cancellation.