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Contacting the team

How to contact us

You can ask a member of your medical, surgical or nursing team to make a referral to us. They will contact us directly and we will arrange to see you.

You do not have to give detailed information about why you want to see us, although some basic background information is helpful.

We mainly see people during their admission to hospital, but also arrange outpatient appointments as required. Where possible, appointments can be made to coincide with when you are already visiting the hospital for other appointments.

A separate psychology service is available for paediatric patients (children) and their families. Your medical team can give you further information and advice about how to contact this service.

Contact details

Royal Brompton Hospital

Tel: 0207 351 8060

Harefield Hospital

Tel: 01895 823 737, extension 5259 

Hours of operation 

Monday to Friday, 9.00am - 5.00pm (excluding bank holidays). 
