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Speech and language therapy

Speech and language therapists provide an essential service to patients and the multi-disciplinary team in acute care. 

They specialise in the assessment and management of disorders of swallowing, eating and drinking, and communication. 

The service at Royal Brompton Hospital and Harefield hospitals employs therapists who are specialists in the care of critically ill adults or children. 

The therapists offer both clinical and objective assessment techniques (videofluoroscopy and fibre-optic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES)) for diagnostic and treatment purposes, to both inpatients and outpatients. 

Since 2014, the service has offered specialist diagnosis and management of voice and chronic cough-related difficulties for adult asthma patients and outpatient paediatric feeding services.

Refer an adult for speech and language therapy 

You can refer adult patients to this service by phone, bleep, email or fax.

Royal Brompton Hospital 

Refer an adult for speech and language therapy:

  • call: 020 7352 8121 ext. 4452
  • bleep: 7756 

Refer a patient to the voice service:

  • voice service: 020 7352 8121 ext. 4136
  • bleep: 7717

Harefield Hospital

Refer an adult for speech and language therapy:

  • call: 01895 823737 ext. 5501 
  • bleep: 7031 

Refer a child for speech and language therapy

Refer a child through the paediatric rehabilitation care programme at Royal Brompton Hospital.

Information for doctors

The speech and language therapy (SLT) service at Royal Brompton Hospital and Harefield Hospital is a specialist service for adults and children with congenital or acquired (acute and chronic) disorders of swallowing and communication.

The service aims to:

  • provide a responsive and comprehensive clinical service
  • provide specialist assessment and intervention
  • provide a patient-focused service in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team including doctors, nursing staff, therapists and pyschosocial services.

In dysphagia management, patient safety and choice are both considered paramount in the context of the medical condition and the team’s views. 

Ear, nose and throat (ENT) services are available at both Harefield Hospital and Royal Brompton Hospital to both outpatients and inpatients. 


Discharge from the SLT service will usually be at the discretion of the therapist, in liaison with the patient/carer. On discharge, liaison with all involved agencies will take place with reports provided and disseminated as required.

Follow-up SLT in the community will be arranged with some patients being followed-up as outpatients at Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals. 


Adult service

Royal Brompton Hospital: Monday to Friday
Harefield Hospital: Monday to Friday

Paediatric service 

Royal Brompton Hospital: Monday to Friday

Voice service

Royal Brompton Hospital: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Videofluroscopy and adult FEES service: Weekly appointments available through the service

Speech and language therapy

Royal Brompton

Adults: 020 7352 8121 ext. 4452 
Bleep: 7756
Paediatrics: 020 7352 8121 ext. 8369
Bleep: 7713 / 7104
Voice service: 020 7352 8121 ext. 4136 
Bleep: 7717

Harefield Hospital

Adults: 01895 823737 ext. 5501 
Bleep: 7031

Please leave a message on the answer phone and we will call you back as soon as possible. 
