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Heart valve follow-up clinic

The heart valve clinic at Harefield Hospital is co-ordinated by specialist echocardiographers (physiologists) with extensive experience in the assessment of cardiac valve pathologies and the general condition of the heart.

The heart valve clinic is supervised by Dr Shelley Rahman Haley and Dr Aigul Baltabaeva, who are both consultant cardiologists with a special interest in echocardiography and heart valve disease.

The aims of the valve clinic service are:

  • To regularly monitor native heart valve disease and artificial valves at appropriate intervals of time to detect early signs of degeneration and disease progression
  • To assess and evaluate patients’ clinical condition and discuss any concerns 
  • To determine the correct timing for surgery and refer patients to an appropriate surgeon
  • To assess results after surgery and provide long-term follow-up for repaired native valves and artificial valves

Early detection of any deterioration in heart valve function allows us to offer patients the appropriate treatment at the right time. 

Clinic days and times 

The valve clinic runs every Friday morning between 10 am and 1 pm. Most patients are seen once a year unless more regular reviews are needed. Patients who are clinically stable are offered a follow-up appointment every two years.

Who should be referred?

Referrals to the heart valve clinic are open to all patients with documented native or artificial valve disease.

However, any referral with significant cardiac symptoms or a significant murmur will be considered and seen in either a general cardiac clinic or the specialist valve clinic.

Asymptomatic patients with artificial mechanical valves do not require routine follow-up in accordance with national recommendations.

Asymptomatic patients with a soft ejection systolic murmur and well-heard second heart sound do not usually need a referral.

When should they be referred?

We accept referrals for patients with documented native valve disease of an at least moderate grade. 

We also perform routine assessments for artificial heart valves (surgical, minimally invasive procedures, transcatheter valve implants) and surgically repaired valves that require long-term monitoring.

Referral process

We accept referrals via:

  • Internal echo request form (pink form) – please specify that the referral is for the valve clinic
  • Clinical referral letter indicating that it is recommended for the patient to be followed up in the valve clinic

What makes this clinic unique?

Valve disease is a common cause of breathlessness and murmurs in all ages, particularly in people aged over 65. The Harefield Hospital valve clinic offers routine clinical reviews and expert echo assessments by specialists with extensive experience in the examination of native and artificial heart valves. This allows early detection of heart valve defects and long-term monitoring of the heart function, which has been shown to significantly improve clinical outcome.
