In January 2021, the first delivery of the COVID-19 vaccination arrived at our hospitals.
Rolling out a vaccination campaign for our 5,000 staff in just a few weeks was a significant task. Several teams including those from pharmacy and procurement, occupational health and HR, worked tirelessly on the planning and preparation of every aspect of the programme, from sourcing the vaccine to training over 20 vaccinators.
Reflecting on the first day of staff vaccination clinics, Nicola Holt, associate chief pharmacist, said: “It is amazing to be here and see it in reality. In pharmacy there has been enormous preparation for the arrival of this vaccine. As well as procurement and ordering, we had to ensure all the necessary governance procedures were in place and thoughtfully consider the logistics between our sites.”
In the first five days following the launch of the programme 2,150 staff had received their first jab. Dr Richard Grocott-Mason, interim chief executive, said: “Many thanks to all involved in making this happen. It has been an amazing effort and has given everyone a morale boost. The exceptional way the vaccination programme has been organised, in such a short space of time, is a credit to everyone who played a part.”

It is amazing to be here and see it in reality. In pharmacy there has been enormous preparation for the arrival of this vaccine. As well as procurement and ordering, we had to ensure all the necessary governance procedures were in place and thoughtfully consider the logistics between our sites.
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