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Professor Andrew Nicholson
Professor Andrew Nicholson

Professor Andrew Nicholson

Consultant histopathologist, Honorary professor of respiratory pathology, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London

Professor Andrew Nicholson is a consultant histopathologist based at Royal Brompton Hospital. He is also an honorary professor of respiratory pathology at the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College London. 

Respiratory medicine (lung)
Laboratory medicine
Spoken Languages



Professor Andrew Nicholson is a consultant histopathologist specialising in thoracic pathology, and an honorary professor of respiratory pathology at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London.

He has particular expertise in thoracic pathology (lung and mediastinum) and conducts research into lung cancer and interstitial lung disease in particular.

He reports between 200 and 300 referrals from clinicians and other pathologists, nationally and internationally, each year.


Professor Nicholson lectures regularly at regional, national and international levels. He has spoken extensively in Europe, Asia, North and South America, and Australia, both as a guest speaker at international conferences and as a stand-alone teacher at specific lung pathology courses.

He also organises a practical lung pathology course each year, which attracts attendees from around the globe.


He is the former chair of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) committee for the classification of lung tumours, as well as a member of the IASLC Staging and Prognostic Factors Committee.

He has served, and continues to serve, on several committees investigating lung cancer, thymic cancer and interstitial lung diseases, including the:   

Professor Nicholson sits on the advisory panel for the Royal College of Pathologists in relation to minimum data sets for lung cancer and cancer network tissue pathways. He is secretary for the British division of the International Academy of Pathologists.


Professor Nicholson has co-authored more than 320 peer-reviewed publications and is a member of the editorial panel for Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, in addition to which he reviews for many other journals.

He co-authored Pathology of the Lung, second edition (Churchill Livingstone 2006) with B Corrin, which won first prize in the BMA Basic and Clinical Sciences section for medical textbooks that year. He is a  volume editor of 2015 WHO classification of tumour of the lung, pleura, thymus and heart.