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If you are having cancer tests or have been diagnosed with cancer, we know you will be feeling anxious.

Every patient has different fears and concerns during this difficult time.

We will make sure that you and your family receive all the information and support you need throughout your time with us. We provide fast, professional, first-class services tailored to your needs.

Before your cancer diagnosis

Support as you prepare for diagnosis

It is normal to have lots of questions about your possible condition and what treatment you are likely to have. For many patients, they will see more than one doctor, and often at more than one hospital. This is for further testing and investigations into their possible condition.

We understand that this can be very scary and make you feel anxious, so our staff are on hand to offer advice and support. There are also lots of organisations that can offer advice, support and information for any questions you may have.

Support at the Trust

You can talk to us about anything to do with your condition. This can include the condition itself, the tests you will need, the diagnosis and what treatments are available. This will come from your consultant and clinical nurse specialist (a highly-trained nurse).

We will give you written information about tests, your conditions and what help we can give. We will also arrange more discussions with members of the team if you need them.

As you are waiting for your appointment or test, write down any questions you think of to ask your doctor or nurse. This means you won't need to remember them on the day of your appointment. If you think it would be helpful to have a member of your family with you, ask them to come along.

If you are diagnosed with cancer

Support throughout diagnosis

If you are diagnosed with cancer, it will be a challenging time for you, your family and your friends.

Your consultant will discuss your diagnosis with you and will ask if you have any questions. The diagnosis is a lot to deal with and many patients do not ask all the questions they have at that moment. This is a normal response.

Our clinical nurse specialists (CNS) are available after your consultation with your consultant to answer any questions. They can also discuss your diagnosis and possible treatments. Your CNS will give you their contact details so you are able to talk to them even after you return home. They are there to give you help and support.

We will try to answer all your questions about your diagnosis and also speak to the doctor who referred you to us. We will let them know about the results of your investigations, diagnosis and to discuss treatment options.

After your cancer treatment

How we handle follow-up care

Once you have completed your treatment, we will ask you back to regular clinics for follow-up care. The exact timing of your appointments will vary according to which treatment you have and how you respond to it.

Your consultant and CNS will still be available if you need to talk to them about your condition. At this point, we may also hand your treatment over to a hospital nearer your home or arrange community support for you.  If this happens, your consultant or CNS will arrange this for you. This is so we know that your treatment will continue smoothly.

If you receive treatment from us, we will give you further information on recovery and managing your condition. 

In some cases, we involve our palliative care team in a patient's care. They will be able to help you manage your symptoms and make sure you have the support you need at home.

How you can be referred for cancer treatment

You can be referred to us as an NHS or a private patient

NHS patients 

To be referred as an NHS patient you can:

  1. Ask your GP to refer you to one of our respiratory consultants either at Royal Brompton or at Harefield Hospital. If the referral is urgent, your GP will need to follow the guidance on our 'Refer a patient' page.

  2. Ask your respiratory physician to refer you to one of our surgeons if they offer surgery as a treatment, for symptom control or diagnosis purposes.

  3. You could also ask your consultant to refer you to one of our respiratory physicians or surgeons for a second opinion.

If you would like to be referred for treatment as an NHS patient then please read our page on how to be referred

Private patients

We also have excellent private patient facilities and contracts with all best UK health insurers and many foreign governments. Read more about private patient facilities and services.

To find out more about organisations and charities that can give advice and support, click the 'Information' tab. 

Cardio-oncology assessment

This service will support your oncologist to treat your cancer by assessing your heart function. If we find a problem on the day, your cardiologist will advise on treatment.

Cancer treatments

When your consultant gives you your diagnosis he or she will also discuss the treatment options available to you. Treatments will vary from patient to patient depending on the individual situation and...


Cryotherapy is a very similar procedure to a bronchoscopy, where a camera in a fine flexible tube is passed through the nose or mouth down into both lungs.

Lung surgery

Some patients need lung surgery because they have emphysema, lung cancer, or other cancers that have spread to the lungs.

Lung tumour ablation

Ablation is a lung cancer treatment that does not involve surgery, but uses either heat or extreme cold to destroy cancer cells.

Cancer support

There are many places to find support, advice and information about your cancer diagnosis. We have a team of Macmillan nurses at the Trust and there are also many dedicated cancer charities you can contact.

Read some of our patient stories

Cancer support charities

There are several organisations that offer help and advice to you.   Ask your GP, or use the links below:

These organisations have lots of information and can put you in touch with someone who can discuss your concerns.  Their websites have useful information about cancer and what support is available.

Your GP or hospital doctor may also be able to give you details of local support services, including drop-in centres and support groups.


Lung cancer nursing team contact details

Royal Brompton Hospital

Royal Brompton Hospital Macmillan Lung Cancer CNS Team

Phone: 020 7352 8121 (ext. 84134)

Harefield Hospital 

Harefield Hospital Macmillan Lung Cancer CNS Team

Phone: 01895 823 737 (ext. 85313) 
