Many teenage and young adult transplant patients transition to Harefield Hospital for their adult care from other centres around the UK.
Making the transition from child to adult care can be an anxious time, both for the patient and their family members, especially as most transplant patients will have been cared for by the same paediatric team for many years.
The team at Harefield understands your concerns and is ready to answer any questions you may have, at any stage of your transition.
After choosing Harefield for adult care, we encourage patients and their families to visit the department in advance to familiarise themselves with the staff, ward and facilities.
What happens in the transplant clinic?
Both heart and lung transplant patients transitioning from paediatric to adult care will
be reviewed at six- and 12-month intervals or more frequently if necessary.
Clinic days are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for heart transplant patients, and Monday and Thursday for lung transplants.
We also have a walk-in phlebotomy and emergency clinics on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Regular check-up tests and investigations
Heart transplant patients
- Echocardiogram
- Routine blood tests (including fasting glucose and cholesterol)
- CXR (six-monthly)
- Exercise tolerance test (every two years)
- Angiograms - on an individual basis every two to three years, based on doctor’s review
Lung transplant patients
- Respiratory function tests
- Blood tests as above
- ECG (annually)
Heart/lung transplant patients
- Echo (six-monthly)
- Coronary angiogram (five-yearly)
Additional services
- Nephrology
- Dermatology
- Psychology
- Lipid clinic
- Immunosuppression monitoring
- Transition days (including informal visits)
- Phlebotomy (including walk-in clinic for blood tests)
- Triage – patient consultation with doctors
- Dressings, nebulisers, portacath flush, IV infusions
- Telephone advice/support line
- Welfare advice
- Dedicated transplant pharmacist (with links to homecare)
Contact the transition team: