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Pharmacy services

Clinical pharmacy service

The clinical pharmacy service is provided by directorate teams consisting of a clinical specialist pharmacist, a junior pharmacist and in some directorates, a technician. Practice research and drug usage reviews are actively encouraged within the directorates and are led by our specialist pharmacy team. The department is actively involved in patient education rehabilitation programmes for patients following cardiac surgery and for those with heart failure as well as individual patient medication consultations.

The provision of financial and drug usage information by clinical specialist pharmacists to divisional managers and clinical staff is well established. The senior principal pharmacist for support services together with the New Drugs Group, ensures appropriate introduction of new drugs into the Trust.


Carol Hayes, specialist pharmacist, cardiology 01895 828 415
Haifa Lyster, consultant pharmacist, transplantation 01895 828 595
Chris Remmington, specialist pharmacist, critical care 020 7352 8121
ext 4376
Jamie Cheong, specialist pharmacist, antimicrobial 020 7352 8121 
ext 4586
Sian Bentley, specialist pharmacist, paediatrics 020 7352 8121
ext 4375
Elaine Bowman, specialist pharmacist, respiratory 020 7351 8059
Karen Lee, specialist pharmacist, surgery and pain 020 7352 8121
ext 4586
Sally Manning, senior pharmacist, cardiology 01895 828 415
Deepa Lakhani, specialist pharmacist, cardiology 020 7351 8121 
ext 4586
Carly Aarons, lead EPMA pharmacist 020 7352 8121 
ext 4092


Technical services Pharmacist and patient

Technical services staff at Royal Brompton Hospital provide a central intravenous additive service to respiratory and paediatric patients as well as adult and paediatric TPN and clinical material for both sites, using a combination of external manufacturers and use of the aseptic unit at Royal Marsden Hospital.

Opening hours

9am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday 

Contact details

Telephone: 020 7351 8787

Dispensary services – Harefield Hospital

The dispensary provide inpatient, outpatient and discharge medication services to the wards and departments. The dispensary also provides medicines for home care patients.

Opening hours

9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday

10am to 12pm, Saturday

Contact details

Michelle Butler, senior technician, patient services 01895 828 596

Dispensary services – Royal Brompton Hospital

Pharmacist dispensing medicationThe dispensary provide inpatient, outpatient and discharge medication services to the wards and departments. A chief technician and a senior pharmacist are responsible for the daily management of the dispensary.

Opening hours

9am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday

9am to 3pm, Saturday

Contact details

Elizabeth Hutchings, pharmacy patient services manager 020 7351 8038

Medicines information and clinical trial service

Two medicines information pharmacists, assisted by a principal technician and a rotational pharmacist, provide the Trust's medicine information service using online facilities and databases. The unit also run a patient helpline service, the direct dial number is 020 188 1569. The medicines information unit is the UK recognised centre of excellence in cardiothoracic thoracic medicine information.

The department supports clinical research being conducted within the Trust with two members of staff involved in the management of the drug component of clinical trials, with approximately 35 trials underway at a time.

Opening hours

9.00am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday

Contact details

Vivian Wu, medicines information and clinical trials manager 020 7351 8901
Vibha Teli, principal technician medicines information and clinical trials 020 7351 8901
Email the medicines information unit

