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Woodlands pre-admission unit

Before you are admitted to Harefield Hospital for your procedure, you will need to attend the Woodlands pre-admission unit at the hospital to have a check-up. 

We see around 2,550 patients each year, who have been referred for numerous different procedures ranging from angioplasty and cardiac surgery to ablation and cardioversion. 

This appointment will take place one to two weeks before your admission is scheduled and will ensure that you are fit for your operation. Your assessment will include height, weight and blood pressure checks, an MRSA bacteria test and blood tests. A member of the pharmacy team will review your medication with you, and a nurse specialist/ practitioner/consultant will examine you and complete all the paperwork that is required for your admission. Some of our pre-admission clinics are carried out via telephone, especially for patients who live a long way from Harefield Hospital.

Your appointment at the pre-admission unit helps us identify any potential complications beforehand so that we can avoid having to delay or even cancel procedures. For example, patients who have anaemia can be treated in advance of their inpatient stay.


As well as making sure you are fit for your procedure, your appointment at Woodlands will also give you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. The nurses in the clinic will discuss the reasons why you are coming into hospital and what to expect when you are admitted, as well as listen to and address any concerns. 

The pre-admission assessment aims to make sure you are physically, mentally and emotionally ready for your stay in hospital, so that you are better informed and relaxed on the day of your admission.


Ground floor, Harefield Hospital, UB9 6JH

Telephone:  01895 828 827

Service manager: Alison Pottle, nurse consultant in cardiology