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Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust accounts

Statement of comprehensive income as at 31 March 2020

  2019/20 (£000) 2018/19 (£000)
Operating income from patient care activities 399,637 358,236
Other operating income 54,841 38,181
Operating expenses (447,217) (411,712)
Operating surplus/(deficit) from continuing operations 7,260 (15,295)
Finance income 138 173
Finance expenses (1,184) (1,313)
PDC dividends payable (8,378) (7,663)
Net finance costs  (9,424) (8,803)
Other gains /(losses) 1,119 (7,609)
Deficit for the year from continuing operations (1,045) (31,708)
Deficit for the year (1,045) (31,708)

Other comprehensive income
will not be reclassified to income or expenditure: 

Revaluations 16,782 2,818
Total other comprehensive income 16,782 2,818
Total comprehensive income / (expense) for the period 15,737 (28,890)

Statement of financial position as at 31 March 2020

  31 March 2020 (£000) 31 March 2019 (£000)
Non-current assets    
Intangible assets 11,847 12,209
Property, plant and equipment 207,308 189,967
Investment properties 94,846 93,653
Receivables 536
Total non-current assets 314,536 295,829
Current assets    
Inventories 12,631 10,182
Receivables 70,852 49,916
Cash and cash equivalents 7,315 20,818
Total current assets 90,798 80,916
Current liabilities    
Trade and other payables (62,558) (47,318)
Borrowings (6,205) (11,115)
Provisions (389) (3,270)
Total current liabilities (69,152) (61,703)
Total assets less current liabilities 336,182 315,042
Non-current liabilities    
Borrowings (47,745) (43,596)
Provisions (1,257) (374)
Total non-current liabilities (49,002) (43,971)
Total assets employed 287,179 271,072
Financed by    
Public dividend capital 109,429 109,069
Revaluation reserve 74,187 57,405
Income and expenditure reserve 103,554 104,599
Total taxpayers' equity 287,179 271,072

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