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Paul Lidgate - Senior nurse matron, respiratory medicine

Paul Lidgate is the senior nurse matron for respiratory medicine at Royal Brompton Hospital. He has worked for the Trust for 25 years, both at Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals. 

Getting started

Paul was interested in health, studied biology and found his passion for respiratory nursing care through his studies. Helping and supporting patients to breathe easier through a holistic approach has been at the forefront of his career path. 

Working on the ward

Paul's current role is expansive and exciting. He leads on the very essence of good care to develop strategy and vision for the Trust's future services. He meets his patients and families on a daily basis and enjoys interacting with them, listening to their concerns and compliments. 

Paul says the title of Matron does not align to a specific gender as it may have done in the past. He has the privilege of leading, developing and overseeing the delivery of the Trust's first class, high quality, innovative care and treatment for his patients living with respiratory disease. 

Many of Paul's patients receive cyclical care and treatment and over the years he has found great pleasure to see them on a regular basis. He monitors and manages safe, quality care for his patients through a variety of assessments and audits. He supports the teams of nurses, ward sisters, nursing leads and clinical nurse specialists at all times. 

Benefits and challenges

Paul finds it difficult to juggle his time, like most people. He puts people first, whether they are a patient, a relative of a patient or staff member. He always tries to see the best in people every day.

Paul describes his team as the only place to consider a career in respiratory medicine. He says his colleagues and line managers are "the best of the best", because they are highly supportive and offers on the occasions when he can't see a way through an event or feeling. Paul's team share their valuable insights and experience, which helps him resolve any problem with a favourable outcome.

Paul's team invest and support all nurses, no matter their stage in their career, and equips each nurse with the right clinical skills to develop their knowledge and experience for their futures. His team has a wide range of clinical experts and educators to support everyone's development.