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Trust accounts for year ended 31 March 2018

Statement of comprehensive income

  2017/18 (£000) 2016/17 (£000)
Operating income from patient care activities 341,290 329,780
Other operating income 78,653 47,550
Operating expenses (398,498) (386,151)
Operating surplus/(Deficit) from continuing operations 21,445 (8,821)
Finance income 55 42
Finance expenses (1,348) (1,038)
PDC dividends payable (6,762) (6,063)
Net finance costs  (8,055) (7,059)
Other gains 61,973 21,147
Surplus for the year 75,363 11,267

Other comprehensive income
Will not be reclassified to income or expenditure: 

Revaluations of property, plant and equipment 6,693 (9,176)
Total comprehensive income for the period 82,056 2,091

















Statement of financial position

  31 March 2018 (£000) 31 March 2017 (£000)
Noncurrent assets    
Intangible assests 13,623 14,983
Property, plant and equipment 194,704 186,525
Investment property 101,210 37,294
Total non-current assets 309,537 238,802
Current assets    
Inventories 10,290 9,957
Trade and other receivables 83,910 45,950
Cash and cash equivalents 20,847 32,668
Total current assets 114,327 88,575
Current liabilities    
Trade and other payables (54,200) (49,566)
Borrowings (18,665) (5,610)
Provisions (597) (638)
Total current liabilities (74,578) (57,187)
Total assets less current liabilities 349,286 270,190
Non-current liabilities    
Borrowings (49,192) 52,147)
Provisions (597) (638)
Total non-current liabilities (49,789) (42,785)
Total assets employed 299,497 217,404
Financed by    
Public dividend capital 108,604 108,567
Revaluation reserve 54,587 47,894
Income and expenditure reserve 136,306 60,943
Total taxpayers' equity 299,497 217,404


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