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The Darwin programme

The Darwin programmeFuture-proofing our specialist care

During 2017/18 a Trust-wide transformation programme - the Darwin programme - was launched, with the single aim of protecting and future-proofing our world-leading services and research. 

The Darwin programme is taking a comprehensive look at how we can provide care across the Trust, with a view to identifying best practice and making it standard practice, driving innovation, and reducing any inefficiencies. 

The name 'Darwin' was chosen by staff, and the programme is managed by a project team comprising staff on secondment from around the Trusts, including areas such as theatres, nursing and pharmacy. 

The end vision is a trust that uses the most modern, efficient and effective approaches to patient care and administration.

In its first year, the Darwin programme was embraced across the organisation as an opportunity to change for the better and a number of successful initiatives have started to have a positive impact on patients’ experiences of our care.

A key area of focus has been on reducing the length of stay after procedures and getting patients back to their homes and families sooner.

Darwin projectsThe projects


Harefield Heart Division: The cardiology lounge 
A new 'lounge' allows elective patients to recover in comfort and return home the same day as their procedure

Royal Brompton heart division: Day case unit open for business 
A new day-case unit allows for more efficiency and treatment for patients in our invasive cardiology services

New "one stop shop" is more convenient for patients with lung disease 
New ILD patients are able to be tested, diagnosed and given a treatment plan; all in one day!


< New partnership takes heart and lung care and research to a new level 

Harefield Heart Division: The cardiology lounge >