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Research leadership success for cystic fibrosis expert

Dr Nick SimmondsConsultant physician Dr Nick Simmonds received a national award on behalf of the cystic fibrosis team in recognition of its globally-significant research. 

The Clinical Research Network Awards from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) and National Institute for Health Research recognise outstanding research leadership in the NHS. 

Dr Simmonds, who was also this appointed to the position of associate director of the cystic fibrosis department alongside colleague Dr Su Madge, was presented with the award at the RCP's Harveian Oration - a keynote lecture that has been held annually for 500 years. 

While Dr Simmonds was the named recipient, he is clear that the award was a result of teamwork, saying: 

"Research is something I feel very passionate about, so to receive this recognition is extremely pleasing. 

"The award is important because it acknowledges research that takes place specifically within the NHS - I believe that ensuring research is embedded into our daily practice is a vital way to deliver high-quality patient care and outcomes. 

"We have a strong culture of research in this Trust and without the support of my colleagues and the wider cystic fibrosis research team, this would never have been possible."

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