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Performance and achievements

During 2017/18 we: 


Cared for more than 200,000 patients in our outpatient clinics

Helped 11,670 adults who have breathing problems caused by diseases such as COPD and severe asthma

Recruited 2,284 patients onto over 200 research programmes that will contribute towards better patient care and outcomes

Launched a brand new day case ward for respiratory patients, including those with asthma, interstitial lung disease and cystic fibrosis

Cared for nearly 38,000 patients on all our wards

Recieved a 95% recommendation score in the annual Friends and Family Test

Helped a patient spend Christmas with her family by implanting a total artificial heart 

Invested in the wellbeing of our staff, appointing a 'Freedom to speak' guardian and launching weekly wellbeing and yoga classes

Attracted more than £7.9 million in external grants for research

Extended the intensive care unit at Harefield Hospital so that an extra 250 critically ill patients can be treated each year 

Completed an £18 million improvement programme at Harefield Hospital, transforming and future-proofing several areas of the hospital 

Maintained one of the fatest 'arrival to treatment' times for UK heart attack patients - 23 minutes compared with a national average of 56

Carried out 99 transplant procedures: our highest annual total to date

Were in the top three most highly cited health research teams in England - with 862 papers published in scientific journals 

Improved our environmental responsiblity by reducing our carbon emissions by 13.76% and energy consumption by 7.95%

Recorded a healthy £75 million financial surplus at year end, including £38 million of bonus payments from NHS England for exceeding our annual financial targets

Exercise test

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