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Royal Brompton & Harefield hospitals

Starring in a TV episode, beating his celebrity opponent at table football and acing all his medical tests were all just another day for 6-year-old Ma
A recent study, carried out by clinicians at Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, challenges long-held beliefs on coronary artery bypass surgery.
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Patients and visitors

Practical information for inpatients, outpatients and visitors at our hospitals
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Healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals on working for our hospitals, education and training events and how to refer a patient
RBHT charity logo

RB&HH Charity

The charity supports Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals by contributing to major building projects, buying equipment, funding vital research and improving the lives of patients with heart and lung conditions.
Donate now
Guys and St Thomas Specialist Care Logo

Guy’s and St Thomas' Specialist Care

Guy’s and St Thomas Specialist Care delivers private heart, lung and sleep services for Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals.
Learn more