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Professor Kim Fox

Professor Kim Fox

Consultant cardiologist

Professor Kim Fox is a consultant cardiologist at Royal Brompton Hospital. 

Cardiology (heart)
Spoken Languages

Positions held

  • Diana Princess of Wales Chair in Cardiovascular Medicine and Science
  • Chairman, Institute of Cardiovascular Medicine and Science.
  • Professor of clinical cardiology, Imperial College
  • Head, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College.
  • Non-executive director (non-independent), Trust Board.

Professor Kim Fox has published over 400 papers in leading scientific journals. His expertise lies in the understanding, investigation and treatment of angina. Professor Fox has played a major role in important international clinical trials such as EUROPA, HPS, ASCOT and BEAUTIFUL that have revolutionised the treatment of this condition.

He is an acknowledged European expert in this field and consequently chaired the task force producing the European angina guidelines and the committee responsible for the audit for the management of patients with angina in Europe.

Charity and voluntary work

Professor Fox is a former editor-in-chief of the European Heart Journal and a previous president of the European Society of Cardiology. During his career, he has played roles in the British Cardiac Society, Leducq Foundation and British Heart Foundation.


He has given plenary lectures to national societies all over the world:

  • Finlayson Lecture, Royal College of Surgeons, Glasgow

  • St Cyres Lecture, British Cardiac Society

  • Andrea Cissalpino Lecture, Italian Society of Cardiology

  • Stokes Lecture, Irish Cardiac Society


Professor Fox has been elected an honorary member of the French Cardiac Society and Japanese Circulation Society for his services to cardiology. He has been awarded the Gold Medal of the Russian Federation of Cardiology and the Gold Medal of the European Society of Cardiology. The British Cardiovascular Society has awarded him with the McKenzie Medal in June 2011.