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Professor John Stevenson
Professor John Stevenson

Professor John Stevenson

Consultant metabolic physician

Professor John Stevenson is a consultant metabolic physician at Royal Brompton Hospital, an emeritus reader at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, and a visiting professor at the Belgrade School of Medicine.  

Laboratory medicine
Spoken Languages



Professor John Stevenson is a consultant metabolic physician, based at Royal Brompton Hospital. He is also an Emerfitus Reader in Metabolic Medicine at the National Heart and Lung Insititute, Imperial College London, and a visiting professor at the Belgrade School of Medicine.

Areas of expertise

Prof Stevenson specialises in:

  • metabolic disorders
  • coronary disease prevention
  • bone disease and calcium metabolism
  • general endocrinology
  • general internal medicine. 

Research interests

Prof Stevenson's research interests include: 

  • metabolic diseases, such as: 
    • metabolic syndrome
    • lipid disorders
  • female coronary heart disease
  • interrelation of cardiovascular disease risk factors and their modification by therapeutic means
  • menopause
  • hormone replacement
  • osteoporosis prevention

He also works collaboratively with educational institutions on projects, such as: 

  • Imperial College Healthcare - looking at the haemostatic effects of an ultra-low dose HRT
  • University of Malta Medical School - intervertebral disc height impact on vertebral fracture.


Prof Stevenson has spoken at or chaired many international conferences across Europe, North and South America, Middle East, Far East, South Africa, Russia, China and Australia.

He has given lectures and taught courses for the: 

  • International Menopause Society
  • European Menopause and Andropause Society
  • European Society of Cardiology
  • International Society for Gynecological Endocrinology. 


Prof Stevenson has authored many books and papers on his specialisms, which have received acclaim from his peers in the community. 

He works on the editorial boards of a number of journals, including: 

He is also on the International Scientific Committee of Revista Colombiana de Menopausia.  

Private patient referral 

If you would like to make an appointment with this specialist for private care, contact the RB&HH Specialist care team