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Mt Toufan Bahrami
Mt Toufan Bahrami

Mr Toufan Bahrami

Consultant cardiac surgeon

Mr Toufan Bahrami is a consultant cardiac surgeon, based at Harefield Hospital. 


Mr Bahrami is a consultant in cardiac surgery at Harefield Hospital. He trained and qualified at Pitie-Salpetriere University in Paris, France. 

Starting at the Trust in 2001, he previously worked as a consultant for Hammersmith Hospitals NHS Trust, Barts, and The London Chest Hospital NHS Trust.

Areas of expertise

Mr Bahrami's expertise in cardiac surgery includes:

  • Endoscopic valve repair and replacement
  • Endoscopic invasive coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)
  • Endoscopic surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation
  • Endoscopic vein harvesting
  • Mitral valve repair - Mr Bahrami trained and worked in France with Professor Alain Carpentier who pioneered the technique. 

Clinical expertise and innovation

Mr Bahrami is at the forefront of developments in endoscopic minimally invasive heart surgery. Instead of conventional surgery, where the breastbone has to be cut in two, heart valves are replaced or repaired by gaining access to the heart through a small incision between the ribs. For this, he uses a thoracoscope to view the chest cavity and to guide his movements.

Mr Bahrami also performs coronary artery bypass grafts (CABG) through a mini-incision on the side of the chest while the heart is beating (called off-pump CABG) rather than using a heart bypass machine. In 2007 he performed the first double-lung transplant from a non-heart beating donor.

These procedures offer the benefits of conventional open-heart surgery but with less traumatic injury, a shorter stay in hospital, a smaller scar and a quicker recovery time. His technique is well established and is offered to patients on a routine basis.


Mr Bahrami has developed strong healthcare links with France and countries in the Middle East, including Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Medical students from Tehran train under him at Harefield Hospital and he also travels to the region to demonstrate his minimally invasive and beating heart techniques.

Published material

Mr Bahrami has published research papers on valve repair (mitral and tricuspid) and transplantation in peer-reviewed journals including the European Journal for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, the Annals of Thoracic Surgery and the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery.

Private patient referral

If you would like to make an appointment with this specialist for private care, contact the RB&HH Specialist care team