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Dr Wajid Hussain
Dr Wajid Hussain

Dr Wajid Hussain

Consultant cardiologist

Dr Wajid Hussain is a consultant cardiologist at Harefield Hospital and is also the clinical governance lead for the arrhythmia care group at Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals. 

Cardiology (heart)
Spoken Languages


Dr Wajid Hussain graduated in 1993 with honours from Birmingham University. He trained in general cardiology at various specialist cardiac units in London, before undertaking research and further training in electrophysiology in London and New York.

He was appointed as consultant cardiac electrophysiologist at the Trust to facilitate the expansion of ablation services, particularly in atrial fibrillation.

Dr Hussain is the clinical governance lead for the arrhythmia care group at Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals. He has a particular interest in the safety and success rates for ablations and pacemakers and regularly leads audits to improve these measures. 

In 2019, Dr Hussain was appointed clinical director for digital health at The Royal College of Physicians (RCP), where he is responsible for helping deliver new advances in healthcare through modern technology to improve patient outcomes. 

Areas of expertise

Dr Hussain has clinical expertise in: 

  • the management of arrhythmias ranging from simple palpitations to complex arrhythmias
  • atrial fibrillation 
  • ventricular tachycardia. 

He has a particular interest in atrial fibrillation and the role of ablation in managing this condition.


Dr Hussain is responsible for training and appraisal of junior doctors specialising in electrophysiology at the Trust. He regularly teaches final year medical students from Imperial College on the management of arrhythmias.

He has been invited to speak at regional, national and international meetings and to provide specialist training in electrophysiology to doctors in developing countries.

The Royal Society of Medicine has also invited him to lecture on a variety of topics including management of atrial fibrillation and implantable defibrillators.


Dr Hussain has published papers on both basic science topics and clinical electrophysiology. He is active in various local and national research collaborations.

Private patient referral 

If you would like to make an appointment with this specialist for private care, contact the RB&HH Specialist care team