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Dr Stuart Rosen
Dr Stuart Rosen

Dr Stuart Rosen

Consultant cardiologist , Professor of practice - cardiology

Dr Stuart Rosen is a consultant cardiologist based at Royal Brompton Hospital, and also Professor of Practice in cardiology at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London. 

Cardiology (heart)
Spoken Languages



Dr Stuart Rosen received his medical undergraduate education at Pembroke College, Cambridge and at Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School. His specialist cardiology training was at Charing Cross, Hammersmith and St Mary’s hospitals. 

At Royal Brompton Hospital, Dr Rosen is a consultant cardiologist, and Professor of Practice in cardiology at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London. 

Areas of expertise 

Dr Rosen has specialist expertise in heart failure, syncope and difficult hypertension. His technical skills include transoesophageal echocardiography, stress echo, tilt testing and autonomic assessment, as well as ultrafiltration for decompensated heart failure.

He set up the cardio-oncology unit at Royal Brompton Hospital with Dr Alexander Lyon and Dr Rakesh Sharma. The unit provides bespoke care for patients at risk of cardiotoxicity or who have developed cardiac problems as a consequence of their anti-cancer treatment.

Research Interests

Dr Rosen has a programme of translational research focused on the: 

  • Mechanisms of heart injury in cancer patients
  • Effect of alcohol excess on heart function
  • Role of cardiac autonomic dysfunction in pathophysiology of cardiac disease
  • Origins of cardiac pain (he is a member of an international task force on complex cardiac pain syndromes)

He is cardiologist to the Medical Research Council’s prostate adenocarcinoma: transcutaneous hormones (PATCH) trial, a multi-centre study of cardiovascular outcomes in prostate cancer patients treated with transcutaneous oestrogen patches compared with luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) analogues. 


Dr Rosen has certification from the Royal College of Physicians of London as a physician educator, and has twice been awarded a prize for excellence in clinical teaching by the faculty of medicine, Imperial College. He has extensive teaching commitments in medicine, cardiology, ethics and law for medical undergraduates and supervises postgraduates, MD and PhD students.

Dr Rosen set up and directs the nationally acclaimed Hands-On Echo Course at Ealing Hospital.

He is a regular speaker at national and international meetings, speaking on topics such as cardiac pain, heart failure and neurocardiology.


Dr Rosen has written over 60 peer-reviewed papers as well as review articles, editorials, abstracts and eight book chapters. He is the author of the popular book Self-assessment colour review of cardiology. Manson Publications, London 2004. [3rd edition in preparation]

Private patient referral 

If you would like to make an appointment with this specialist for private care, contact the RB&HH Specialist care team