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Dr Stephane Ledot

Dr Stephane Ledot

Locum consultant in critical care and anaesthetics

Dr Stephane Ledot is a consultant in critical care and anaesthetics at Harefield Hospital. 


Dr Stephane Ledot went to medical school at University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris. He then trained in anaesthetics and intensive care in Marseille at University de la Mediterranee.

Following this, he sub-specialised in intensive care for two years at the Hadassah Medical Centre in Israel, where he also gained experience in trauma. He remained at Hadassah for two and a half years as a consultant in anaesthesia and critical care. 

In August 2013, Dr Ledot moved to the UK and joined the Trust for an extracorporeal life support fellowship. During this time, he was involved in the management and retrieval of patients with severe acute respiratory failure needing extracorporeal support.

He stayed an additional year at Harefield Hospital to complete a fellowship in cardiothoracic anaesthesia and gain some experience in the management of: 

  • complex cardiac surgery
  • ventricular assist devices 
  • heart and lung transplant.

He then worked as a locum consultant in cardiothoracic anaesthesia and critical care in Barts Heart Centre for nine months before returning to the Trust in June 2016.

Clinical expertise

Dr Ledot has clinical interest in:

  • critical care
  • extracorporeal support
  • echocardiography.

He has completed his accreditation for transesophageal echocardiography (TOE) from the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging and holds a European Diploma in Intensive Care.


Dr Ledot has undertaken a large number of educational duties throughout his career, including: 

  • organising weekly TOE teaching for fellows at Barts Health
  • professional development of framework for educational supervisor accreditation, UCL Partners, Royal London 2016
  • educational supervisor
  • training the trainer module one and two, lead provider, Imperial College Healthcare 
  • coordinator of ITU weekly journal club, Harefield Hospital (2014 to 2015)
  • supervisor of the final dissertation of a medical student 
  • instructor in anaesthesia and critical care 
  • advanced cardiovascular life support (ACLS) instructor 
  • critical care module for physiotherapists instructor
  • critical care module nursing school instructor.


  • 2016 Natural killer cell subpopulation changes in the late course of sepsis correlate with increased mortality. Zohar Bromberg, PhD; Saar Hashavya; Shimon firman; Baruch Batzofin; Daniel Weiss; Stephane Ledot; Shiran Zur; Yoram Weiss. Journal of Immunology (In Press)
  • 2016 Causes of sore throat after intubation – a prospective observational study of multiple anaesthesia variables.PD Levin, C Chysostomos, CM Ibarra, S Ledot, D Naito, A Berkovitz C Weissman, A Avidan. Acta Aneasthesiologica Scandinavica (In press)
  • Ledot S., Weiss Y. Minute Ventilation. 5 Minute Anaesthesia Consult. Lippincott Publishers
  • Do corticosteroids improve outcome for any critical illness? Batzofin BM, Weiss YG, Ledot SF.Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. Apr 2013. 25(2): 164-66