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Dr Ana Hurtado

Consultant in critical care medicine

Dr Ana Hurtado is a consultant in critical care medicine, based at Harefield Hospital. 


Dr Hurtado completed her training in intensive care medicine at A Coruña University Hospital, heart and lung transplantation centre in Spain in 2009.

She then stayed at the hospital until 2013 as a full-time consultant in critical care, working in the intensive therapy unit (ITU). In this role, she was directly involved in managing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), including cannulation and daily care. 

In 2013, she joined Harefield Hospital as a senior clinical fellow before becoming a consultant in critical care in 2015. She now also works at Royal Brompton Hospital, managing the ECMO patients. This includes:

  • daily care
  • decision making 
  • assisting the veno-venous (VV) retrieval service.

Areas of expertise

Dr Hurtado has clinical expertise in:

  • cardiogenic shock
  • advanced respiratory failure
  • mechanical circulatory support
  • heart transplantation
  • lung transplantation.


Dr Hurtado has teaching experience as a:

  • focused intensive care echo (FICE) mentor and faculty member of Harefield FICE course
  • faculty member of Harefield ECMO course
  • faculty member of ‘International HVAD course’
  • teacher on ‘pain study day’ teaching at ALERT course
  • supervisor and educational teacher of junior physician trainees at Harefield Hospital.


Research Publications

Veno-Arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA ECMO) is an advanced method of organ support. Hemolysis is a recognised complication of an extracorporeal circulation.

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is an increasingly used supportive measure for patients with refractory cardiogenic shock (CS).