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Dr Amy Chan-Dominy
Dr Amy Chan-Dominy

Dr Amy Chan-Dominy

Consultant in paediatric intensive care medicine, Consultant in critical care medicine

Dr Amy Chan-Dominy is a consultant in paediatric and adult critical care.


Dr Amy Chan-Dominy graduated from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, with postgraduate training in medicine and anaesthesia in both the UK and New Zealand. She then went on to train in intensive care medicine under the Australasia College of Intensive Care Medicine.

In 2006 to 2008, she completed research and clinical fellowship at the London King's College Liver Institute and Liver Intensive Therapy Unit. 

Since 2008, Dr Chan-Dominy’s clinical time has been equally shared between adult and paediatric intensive care medicine at centres for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), heart-lung transplantation and congenital heart surgery. This has included the Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Evelina Children’s Hospital, Melbourne Royal Children’s Hospital, and Royal Brompton Hospital.

Dr Chan-Dominy joined Royal Brompton Hospital in February 2015 as a consultant in paediatric intensive care with sub-specialties in adult cardiothoracic intensive care and paediatric anaesthesia

Areas of expertise

Research interests

  • Survivorship after extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
  • Quality improvement in adolescent critical care
  • Harnessing human factors in medical education and simulation

Research Publications

Vasodilation after coronary artery bypass surgery is a common complication. Inflammatory mediators influence the expression of alpha1-adrenergic receptors.

Indications for tracheostomy in children have evolved from simple airway support for acute infectious upper airway obstruction relief to anticipated long-term ventilatory support in complex syndrom