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Royal Brompton and Harefield staff rate Trust as good employer

Staff at Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust are among the most likely in the NHS to recommend the trust they work for.

In the most recent NHS Staff Survey, the Trust achieved one of the highest scores – 4.22 from a possible 5 – for the question which asked staff if they would recommend their organisation for its clinical care and as an employer.

This figure was among the highest of all trusts, with the national average for acute trusts (hospitals) being 3.76.

The aim of the staff survey is to gather information on how NHS employees regard their place of work, and use it to improve wellbeing for staff and patient care.

The recent survey, which was conducted last October and November, showed that staff engagement at Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals was also very high (4.03 out of 5), above the average of 3.8 for acute hospitals, and staff motivation across the Trust was 4.02 out of 5.

The survey identified some areas where there was room for improvement. For example, although the proportion of staff having appraisals had increased, the score (74%) is still below the national average of 88 per cent.

Carol Johnson, HR director at the Trust, said: “These results build a positive picture of what it is like to work at our hospitals and help us to attract and retain the highest calibre of professionals.

“We are always keen to identify what we do well and where we can improve, so by taking on board all elements of the survey we will be best placed to create an even better environment for patients and staff.”

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Media relations officer

Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust

Tel: 020 7352 8121 ext 2237

Mobile: 07891 310 924

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