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Charity-funded fellowships

We are delighted to announce the launch of Round 4 of the Charity-funded research fellowships which is open for submissions until Wednesday 8th June 2022.

A partnership between the Research Office and the Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals Charity, the RBHH Charity-funded Fellowship programme was first launched in 2019 and is now in its fourth year.  It awards pre- and post-doctoral healthcare professionals with up to £50,000 in funding, allowing them to conduct research for one year in order to develop their research skills and produce data to win further funding.

Read more about the 2019, 2020 and 2021 recipients.

Click on the drop-down menu below to apply.


Download the application form and guidance document at the links below.

Please send the completed form to as a PDF file by midnight on Wednesday 8th June 2022. In the subject of the email please include your name and the text “Charity Fellowship”.

Non-medical charity-funded fellowships application form (downloadable form)
Non-medical charity-funded fellowship guidance document (downloadable form)
Equality Monitoring Form (downloadable form)

Previously unsuccessful applicant are welcome to apply but their applications must fully address panel feedback.  

All applicants:

  • projects must be sponsored by Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals (Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust).
  • must be working as a NMAHPP (nurses, midwives, Allied Health Professionals, healthcare scientists, pharmacy staff and psychologists)
  • must not be a previous recipient of this award
  • must have their applications costed by the research development team
  • can apply at either pre- or post-doctorate level
  • must plan to undertake research that will benefit patients and/or staff at RBHH
  • should demonstrate how they intend to use the fellowship to apply for further research funding
  • must ensure their proposed research project does not involve animals
  • must have approval and sign off from their line manager
  • must be a UK resident

Submissions received after the deadline will not be accepted.

Applications open: 7 April 2022

Applications close: 8 June 2022 (midnight)

Funding outcome notification: late September 2022

Projects must start before 31st December 2022. HRA, ethics and local approval must be obtained before your start date.

A £100,000 fund is available to support applicants who can apply for a maximum of £50,000 per submission.  Only 1 submission per applicant will be accepted.  

Funding can be used to cover anything required to fulfil the project, including salaries, consumables, equipment, publication fees, conference fees, and patient and public involvement (PPI).

All applicants must agree their budget with the Research Development team (details below under Contact section).

Applicants are advised that the Research Office will not be involved in discussions regarding back-filling of job posts. 

Fellowships can last a maximum of 12-months.

The judging panel will be made up of Charity and RBHH staff and will include clinicians, lay advisors (patients), and senior researchers.

The proposals will be judged across several areas, including:

  • Expected patient benefit
  • Study design and methodology
  • Scientific advancement
  • Likelihood of applicant pursuing further funding and training
  • Value for money
  • Level of support from applicant’s department
  • Benefit to RBHH

Awarded applicants are required to present their research proposal to the relevant research Lay Advisory Group (cardiovascular or respiratory) within 6 months of their award.

Successful applicants will also be required to provide regular updates to the Charity on the progress of their research. 

You must notify the Research Office of any changes to your circumstances and/or employment status during the fellowship.

For more information on the application process, please contact:

Laura Henderson, research development manager:

Zahra Aden, research development associate: