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You may have an overnight sleep study, which provides information about how much your oxygen levels vary while you are asleep. Changes in oxygen levels overnight can be due to a condition called obstructive sleep apnoea or may occur as a result of lung disease. This test involves wearing heart rate and oxygen level monitors while you are asleep.

Asthma is a common lung condition that causes occasional breathing difficulties. There is no cure for asthma but in most sufferers, available treatments keep their symptoms under control. 

Patient information

Referral for Management of Chronic Respiratory Failure at Royal Brompton Hospital (pdf, 24KB)

Sleep-disordered breathing – information films


Sleep-disordered breathing is diagnosed using a combination of clinical history, examination and diagnostic tests carried out before and during sleep. 

This video gives an overview of the diagnosis process at Royal Brompton Hospital's centre for sleep.


The treatment of sleep disordered breathing depends on severity, symptoms and comorbidities. This film demonstrates how you can make lifestyle changes to relieve symptoms and gives an overview of medical interventions.

Featured in the press

Dr Alanna Hare, consultant in respiratory and sleep medicine, was interviewed by Delicious magazine about how certain food groups may help people to sleep. Dr Hare explained: “There is some literature that suggests consuming foodstuffs high in tryptophan or melatonin may increase sleep duration and quality.” However, she stressed that there’s limited clinical evidence, adding: “Overall, the extent to which diet and nutrients can boost sleep remains unclear.”

With thanks to Delicious magazine.
