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Your child's stay

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What to pack


  • comfortable daytime clothes
  • pyjamas
  • slippers with non-slip soles
  • socks (non-slip)


  • toothbrush and toothpaste
  • comb or hairbrush


  • Mobile phone or tablet
  • Earphones to listen or watch things on mobile devices

Comforting items

  • A favourite toy, book, or magazine. We also have toys available in the playroom.

We have a free WiFi service to get online.  

Finding our children’s wards

Our children’s wards are located at Royal Brompton Hospital. The main entrance to the hospital is on Level 2, which is at street level, off Sydney Street. 

From the main entrance, walk past reception on your left and continue down the corridor, turn right and the lifts will be on your left, and the stairs on your right. Our paediatric intensive care unit (PICU), paediatric high dependence unit (PHDU), Rose ward, and sleep and ventilation unit are on Level 4.

Consent to treatment

Before your child has any treatment, a doctor will discuss it with you. The doctor will explain the benefits and risks, and answer your questions, so that you can make an informed decision. 

If you decide your child can have the treatment, you will need to sign a consent form.  This states that you agree to have the treatment and you understand what it involves.

Depending on your child’s age and level of understanding, they may be involved in the discussion with the doctor, and may be able to give their consent. People aged 16 or over can give consent to their own treatment. 

If you have any questions about our consent process, please speak to a member of staff caring for you.

Leaving hospital (discharge) 

Once your child is admitted to hospital, we will develop a plan for discharge, which will be discussed with you. The plan will include things like:

  • what to expect when your child gets home
  • how to support your child in their recovery
  • who to contact if you have any concerns
  • information about your child’s medicine and how to get a repeat prescription 
  • information about follow-up appointments, if needed


You can be with your child whenever you want to. In certain circumstances, we may ask visitors to leave for a short time – for example, during doctors’ ward rounds, or if we need to perform clinical procedures in patient areas.

We ask that you limit the number of visitors at the bedside to a maximum of 2, and you are present if other family members or friends come to visit. 

Your child's siblings are welcome. They should visit one at a time and be supervised by a responsible adult. 

For more information on visiting times, please check the information on our ward information pages, or speak to the nurse in charge.   

Anyone who has an infection, including coughs, colds, diarrhoea and being sick (vomiting), should not visit. Children can easily pick up infections and become even sicker. Read more about staying safe during your visit.

Hand washing

While you are in hospital you will notice all staff washing their hands or using alcohol gel. This is to prevent the spread of germs and infection. We ask that family members and visitors do the same.

Please wash your hands thoroughly at the sink on your right as you enter using the hot water and soap provided. Work-up a lather or foam and wash for about 30 seconds. 

Hand gel is also available at the sinks and at the doors to patient bays and cubicles.

Find out more about staying safe during your visit


Parking is very limited and only available in an emergency or for dropping off or collecting patients.


A limited amount of parent accommodation is available in our parents’ units. This accommodation is for parents of children on PICU or PHDU. There is no charge for staying in these rooms.

Accommodation rooms are situated on Level 6 in the main hospital building, and in South Parade, a five-minute walk away. 

Accommodation is organised through the family liaison service team, or the nurse in charge.

We do not let any parents or carers sleep in children’s bedspaces on PICU and PHDU. This is because we need space around beds to give children any care they may need. 

On Rose ward, one parent can sleep near their child’s bedspace, and we will provide a bed and bedding. If your child transfers from PICU/PHDU to Rose ward, you will be asked to return your accommodation key.

On the children’s sleep and ventilation unit, one parent can stay with their child in the cubicle overnight. 

Ward rounds

The doctors on our children’s wards carry out a daily ward round at specific times of the day to monitor your child’s progress and discuss their medical needs.  

Speak to the ward nurse to find out when the ward rounds take place on your child’s ward. 

Your child’s needs

We want to make your child feels as comfortable as possible in hospital. To do that, it helps if we know some things about your child. Please tell us about your child’s: 

  • likes 
  • dislikes 
  • routine 

We would also like to know about family members who are important in your child’s life, and who may visit them during their time in hospital.

We also have an information page for children and young people so they can learn more about what to expect during their stay. 

Access and support for disabled patients and visitors

If your child has any special needs, please speak with the bed management team before their admission so that we can make suitable arrangements ahead of time. 

If you need information and communication support relating to an impairment or disability, please tell a doctor or nurse.

Learn more about our access and support facilities for disabled patients and visitors.


If you or your child needs an interpreter, ask a doctor or nurse. If possible, please ask the day before you come to the hospital, so we have time to book an interpreter.


We encourage the use of toys on our children’s wards and have a small selection available. 

You can also bring your child's own toys into hospital, especially anything that is a particular favourite. 

However, please make sure any toys you bring into hospital can be wiped clean. Cleaning reduces the risk of your child picking up an infection. 

New mothers

When a newborn baby is admitted, the child’s mother can visit if they are well enough. A wheelchair will be available for the mother to get to and from the unit.


If you need to see a midwife, please ask a member of staff. We will arrange for one of the community midwives from Chelsea and Westminster Hospital to visit you. However, if the problem is urgent, you may need to be seen at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.


If you are breastfeeding, it is important to keep up your supply of breast milk, even if your child may not be able to breast or bottle feed. 

You can express your breast milk and it can be frozen and stored, so that it is ready for use whenever your baby needs it. 

Electric or hand breast pumps are available in the expressing room on Rose ward. 

Sterile bottles are available, please make sure you label the bottles with your name and the date. Then give the bottles to a member of staff to place in the milk fridge. 

If you have any problems, or need any support or advice on expressing and breastfeeding, please speak to your bedside nurse. They can show you how to set up and use an expressing machine, different ways to express, and how to store your breastmilk. 

If you start to build up a lot of milk, we may ask you to take some home to store in your own freezer as we have limited storage space. 

It is important to eat and drink well while you are expressing your breast milk. 

Breakfast is available from the breakfast trolley. Lunch and evening meals are served from the playroom on Rose ward. Your bedside nurse can show you where this is. 

Meals are served at around these times: 

  • Breakfast: 8am  
  • Lunch: 12pm  
  • Evening meal: 5.30pm

Further information about feeding your newborn in hospital is available on the Guy’s and Thomas’ website.

Family liaison service

The family liaison service is a non-medical team which provides support to children and their families. 

The team will make sure your whole family feels supported from your child’s admission to hospital until your child goes home. 

The family liaison team is responsible for organising many things. For example, parent accommodation, parking, and liaising with the wider teams including professionals in the community, such as health visitors. 

If you want to contact the team, ask the nurse in charge or the ward clerk.

Eating facilities

Food is available from our restaurant, coffee shop and convenience store

There is a parents’ kitchen on PICU, with facilities to make tea and coffee, and to store food. On Rose ward and on the sleep and ventilation unit, please speak to the nurse, who can organise drinks for you. 

Restaurant: level one (basement) - Sydney wing

Open to patients, visitors and staff 7 days a week. 

  • Breakfast: 7am to 10.30am, Monday to Sunday 
  • Hot lunch service: 12 noon to 3pm, Monday to Friday, and 12 noon to 2.30pm on Saturday and Sunday 
  • Afternoon: 2.45pm to 5.30pm (for drinks, sandwiches and snacks only) 
  • Hot dinner service: 5.30pm to 7.15pm 

Coffee shop: hospital reception – Sydney Street entrance 

Open 7.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. 

Please note that these times may change.

There is a WH Smith convenience store located close to the coffee shop, selling newspapers, snacks and cold drinks.

The play team

Our play team consists of qualified health play specialists and play assistants.

They are specially trained to use play to help children cope with any distressing experiences they may have while in hospital, such as blood tests or operations. 

The team use play to: 

  • prepare children for procedures and help them to understand what will happen 
  • and distract children’s attention from treatments and procedures while they are happening

The hospital school

The Chelsea Community Hospital School provides education for children and young people while they are in hospital.

The school operates from our wards at Royal Brompton Hospital. 

Visit our hospital school information page to learn more.

The psychology team

Having a child in hospital can be very stressful for every member of the family including brothers, sisters and grandparents. 

If you would like to talk to someone, we can arrange for you to see a member of our psychology team. They will be able to offer support and advice.

Religious services

The hospital chaplains offer support to families of all religions and can be contacted at any time. The chapel and multifaith room can be found on Level 2.


The phone number for the hospital is 0330 12 88121.


Phone: 0330 12 88590 


Phone: 0330 12 88590, extension 82098

Rose ward

Phone: 0330 12 82411 
