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Our wards

A nurse and a child on a wardWe have a mixture of layouts on the wards at Royal Brompton Hospital. Some wards will have single rooms only, and others will have a mix of single rooms and four to six bedded bay areas. 

The wards are shared by male and female patients, but they have separate bays and bathrooms.  

There are exceptions to this, such as the intensive care and high dependency areas, where male and female patients may be cared for in the same bay, but this is so they can receive the specialist medical care that they need. 

We always ensure that appropriate privacy and dignity is maintained, as we strongly believe this is important for all patients. 

If you have any questions about this issue, please contact the ward manager or modern matron who will be able to help you and answer any questions you may have.

Call if concerned

If you're concerned about a patient who is on one of our wards, please call us.