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Professor wins prestigious award for his service during Covid-19

Professor Andrew Menzies-Gow, consultant respiratory physician and director of the lung division at Royal Brompton Hospital, has been awarded by the British Thoracic Society (BTS) with their Meritorious Service Award for 2021.

The BTS presents one award each year to an individual who has provided exceptional service to the Society in the advancement of thoracic and respiratory medicine, often over a far longer period than would normally be expected.

This year’s award recognises Professor Menzies-Gow for providing steady leadership throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. A spokesperson from BTS said: “As NHS England’s national clinical director for respiratory disease, Professor Menzies-Gow worked tirelessly to ensure that Covid-19 guidance and interventions took into account the experience of clinicians on the ground, as well as the best available evidence.”

Professor Menzies-Gow, who is also deputy medical director of Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals, said: “I am honoured to receive this award. I am very grateful to colleagues at Royal Brompton for providing me with help and support whenever I have asked over the last couple of years and it has been a pleasure to work so closely and constructively with the BTS during the pandemic.”

Commenting on the award announcement, Dr Richard Grocott-Mason, managing director at Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals, said: “I am delighted to see Professor Menzies-Gow’s dedication during the Covid-19 pandemic acknowledged. He has always been committed to excellence in the field of respiratory medicine and this award is well-deserved. Congratulations to Andy and his whole team.”
