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Anticoagulants are a blood-thinning medication used to reduce the risk of having a stroke, or when you have other conditions such as:

Although warfarin is the most widely-used anticoagulant, there are others, including the new or novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs):

  • Dabigatran
  • Rivaroxaban
  • Apixaban
  • Edoxaban


Warfarin is an anticoagulant (or blood-thinning medication) to reduce the risk of having a stroke.

When taking warfarin you need to be aware of certain things that can alter your warfarin levels including alcohol, some foods and medicines. Click on the information tab above to find out more.

How warfarin works

Warfarin works by increasing the time that it takes for your blood to clot and will reduce the risk of a thrombus forming within the heart. Warfarin works by blocking vitamin K, which is involved in the clotting process.

When you start taking warfarin, its effects will have to be monitored long term by blood tests. You will be referred to an anticoagulation clinic or your GP will monitor your treatment. You will also be given a yellow "Oral Anticoagulation Therapy" booklet with more information about warfarin. 

Warfarin effects are measured by your INR (international normalised ratio) levels. The INR level shows how quickly your blood is clotting. More often, the INR levels should be maintained between 2 and 3. If your levels are below 2 then you are not fully protected from a stroke and if your levels are too high (above 3), then you are at a higher risk of bleeding. There are some exception to this rule so please speak with your doctor or nurse to see what INR is considered therapeutic for you.

You should make sure that you take your dose of warfarin once a day, at the same time each day; usually, in the evening is best. When taking warfarin you need to be aware of certain things that can alter your warfarin levels including alcohol, some foods, other side effects, and operations and dental surgery. Click on the 'Information tab' to find out more.

Warfarin side effects

When you are on warfarin you are likely to bruise easily and it will take longer for a simple cut to stop bleeding.   

The most serious side effect of anticoagulants is excessive bleeding. If you experience any of the following, you must seek medical attention and have an urgent INR test: 

  • unexplained severe bruising
  • prolonged bleeding from small cuts, or nose bleeds (more than 10 minutes)
  • blood in vomit
  • blood in sputum
  • passing blood in your urine or faeces
  • passing black faeces
  • severe or spontaneous bruising
  • unusual headaches
  • for women, heavy or increased bleeding during your period or any other vaginal bleeding

You should seek immediate medical attention if you: 

  • are involved in a major trauma
  • suffer a significant blow to the head
  • are unable to stop the bleeding

Further information

It is important to be aware of certain things that can alter your warfarin levels including alcohol, some foods and medicines. Click on the information tab to find out more.

Direct oral anticoagulant medications (DOACs)

Direct oral anticoagulants (or DOACs) are now available as an alternative treatment to warfarin.  

DOACs include dabigatran, rivaroxaban, apixaban and edoxaban.

They have been approved by NICE (National Institute for Heath and Care Excellence) for the prevention of strokes in patients with AF.

These drugs work in a similar way to warfarin by increasing the time it takes for your blood to clot and have been shown in clinical trials to be at least as effective as warfarin. 

The main advantage of DOACs compared to warfarin is that they do not need monitoring, so you will not need to go for regular blood tests. They are also less affected by different foods and, providing you take the tablet as instructed, the levels will remain stable. 

Side effects

The side effects of these medications are similar to warfarin. When you are on a DOAC, you are likely to bruise easily, and it will take longer for a simple cut to stop bleeding. The most serious side effect of DOACs is prolonged or heavy bleeding, although the risk of serious bleeding is less than warfarin.   

You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following: 

  • prolonged nose bleeds (more than 10 minutes)
  • blood in vomit
  • blood in sputum
  • passing blood in your urine or faeces
  • passing black faeces
  • severe or spontaneous bruising
  • unusual headaches
  • for women, heavy or increased bleeding during your period or any other vaginal bleeding.

You should seek immediate medical attention if you:

  • are involved in major trauma
  • suffer a significant blow to the head
  • are unable to stop the bleeding.

Not all atrial fibrillation (AF) patients will be a suitable to receive these new medications. If you have a metal (or mechanical) heart valve you will not be suitable for a NOAC and will be prescribed warfarin instead. 


Dabigatran is available in two different strengths (either 150mg or 110mg capsules) and should be taken twice a day with meals.  

The 150mg dose is the only NOAC that has been shown to be better than warfarin at preventing strokes in patients with AF. The 110mg dose has been shown to be equivalent. 

Depending on your age, weight, kidney function, other medical conditions you have and the tablets you are taking, your doctor or healthcare professional will decide with you which dose is the most appropriate.

Dabigatran side effects

The most common side effect people experience with dabigatran, other than bleeding and bruising easily, is indigestion or heartburn. These gastrointestinal side effects occur in around 10 per cent of patients. This can be minimised by taking your capsules with food and making sure that you swallow them whole.   

If you experience indigestion, speak to your doctor as they may want to give you a medication to reduce the acid in the stomach. These medications are sometimes known as PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) and include omeprazole, lansoprazole and pantoprazole.   

It is important that if you vomit blood, see blood in your urine (making it red or brown) or have blood in your stools (making it look red or black), you contact your doctor immediately.


Rivaroxaban is available in two different strengths (20mg and 15mg tablets) and should be taken once a day.  It is best to take the medication with your biggest meal of the day, at the same time each day. We will normally recommend that you take it with your evening meal. This helps to ensure that the medication is absorbed properly into the bloodstream.

Rivaroxaban has been shown to be equivalent to warfarin in preventing strokes in patients with AF. 

Depending on your kidney function and other medical conditions, your doctor or healthcare professional will decide with you which dose is the most appropriate. Rivaroxaban is sometimes tolerated better than dabigatran. However, the same bleeding risks still apply with this medicine.  


Apixaban is available in two different strengths (5mg and 2.5mg tablets) and should be taken twice a day.  

Depending on your age, kidney function and body weight, your doctor or healthcare professional will decide with you which dose is the most appropriate.

If you have had a bleed or ulcer in your stomach, your doctor may prefer you to be prescribed apixaban rather than warfarin or one of the other NOACs. This is because apixaban is the only NOAC that has been shown to have lower rates of gastrointestinal (or stomach) bleeding in comparison to warfarin.  

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is where a blood clot forms in a vein, usually the leg, and if part of it breaks off into the bloodstream and blocks a blood vessel in the lungs, is a pulmonary embolism

Atrial tachycardia is an abnormal heart rhythm which is usually seen in patients that have undergone heart surgery, have congenital heart defects or have undergone previous ablation procedures.

Atrial fibrillation is an an irregular heart rhythm, which starts in the upper chambers (atria) of the heart. 

Things which may affect your medication

When taking warfarin you need to be aware of certain things that can alter your warfarin levels including alcohol, some foods and medicines. Warfarin may have other side effects, and it could affect operations and dental surgery as it increases the risk of bleeding during these procedures. 


Alcohol can increase your INR levels and, therefore, increase your risk of bleeding. It is recommended that you do not exceed the national guidelines of three units a day for men and up to two units a day for women. You should inform your GP or clinic if you have started consuming more alcohol. 

It is dangerous to 'binge drink' while taking anticoagulants as your INR levels can increase dramatically and lead to a higher risk of bleeding. 


Certain foods can reduce the effectiveness of warfarin. The amount of vitamin K in your diet may affect your INR result. You do not need to avoid foods that are rich in vitamin K. You should try to have similar amounts of foods containing vitamin K on a regular basis. This will help to reduce fluctuations in your INR readings. Examples of foods rich in vitamin K include:

  • spinach
  • asparagus
  • broccoli
  • brussel sprouts
  • lettuce
  • avocado
  • olive oil
  • cereals containing wheat bran and oats
  • mature cheese (and blue cheese)
  • liver
  • egg yolks
  • oats
  • chickpeas

You should inform your GP or clinic if you have recently changed your diet, including if you are eating more green vegetables. 

Operations/dental surgery

If you are due to have an operation or dental procedure, you may be asked to temporarily stop your warfarin to reduce your risk of bleeding. 

You must consult your doctor, healthcare specialist or anticoagulant nurse before you do this. They will advise you if it is safe to temporarily stop your warfarin and how long before the procedure you should do it. 

If you are at a moderate/high risk of stroke, we recommend that your warfarin is only stopped for the shortest time possible (usually a maximum of three days). Depending on the type of surgery and your level of risk, you may require anticoagulant injections during the period you are not on warfarin. 

If you are waiting for an ablation procedure as a treatment for your AF, or you have recently had an ablation (within the last three months), we strongly recommend that you do not stop your warfarin before discussion with your arrhythmia specialist unless your condition is life-threatening.   

Warfarin and other medication

You should always check with your anticoagulation clinic, GP or pharmacist if you have started any new medications or are taking any over-the-counter medications. Some medications can affect the INR levels so you may require closer monitoring.

Feeling unwell

Prolonged bouts of nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea should be reported to the anticoagulant clinic or GP. Gastrointestinal upsets may affect your ability to absorb warfarin and vitamin K from your diet. You may need to bring your next clinic appointment forward for an INR as your dose of warfarin may need to be changed. 

If you are ill with a fever (eg influenza or a chest infection) you should also inform your anticoagulant clinic and GP as this can also affect warfarin therapy.

If you are admitted to hospital please check with a member of the medical staff when your next appointment for the anticoagulant clinic should be, before you go home. You will probably need an appointment a few days after you are discharged. 

If an appointment has not been arranged for you please contact the anticoagulant clinic when you arrive home.


Female patients of childbearing age will need to take precautions to avoid pregnancy while they are taking warfarin. Warfarin may harm an unborn child during the early weeks of pregnancy.

If you are planning to become pregnant it is important that you discuss this with your doctor so that special arrangements can be made to ensure safe anticoagulation treatment throughout your pregnancy.

Informing others

Your dentist 
Please tell your dentist before any treatment as there may be a risk of bleeding during some dental procedures.

Your doctor 
Please tell any doctor who treats you. If you have to undergo a surgical procedure there may be a risk of bleeding and your warfarin treatment may need to be adjusted or stopped.

Sport and exercise

Moderate exercise (eg walking, jogging, or swimming) is fine. However, you should avoid contact sports and those activities in which physical injury is more likely to occur. 

Injury will increase the risk of bruising and bleeding while taking warfarin. Safety equipment should be used when participating in certain activities, eg crash helmet when cycling.

Arrhythmia team

The arrhythmia team includes: 

  • consultants
  • clinical nurse specialists
  • an arrhythmia pharmacist 
  • catheter laboratory technicians.  


Clinical nurse specialists

  • Beatrice Moloce, Royal Brompton Hospital
  • Harriet Fisher, Royal Brompton Hospital
  • Sue King, Harefield Hospital
  • Sally Deane, Harefield Hospital

Arrhythmia pharmacist

  • Carol Hayes


Harefield Hospital
01895 828979

Royal Brompton Hospital
020 7351 8364 
