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Member event recordings


Heart transplantation: When does genetic testing play a role, and what does it all mean

Date: Tuesday 25 March, 1pm to 2pm

Advances in the field of genetics has led to an improved understanding about the underlying genetic causes of heart failure and subsequent heart transplantation. This session aimed to address topics including which patients are now suitable for genetic testing, what genetic testing entails, and what the results might mean for family members and family planning. 


  • Brian Halliday, Consultant Cardiologist
  • Tessa Homfay, Honorary Consultant, Cardiology
  • Tahni-Ann Wilson, Genetic Counsellor

Watch the recording

Mental health and well-being for transplant patients

Date: Monday 16 December

This event was designed to offer valuable insights and support for both transplant recipients and their caregivers on an often overlooked aspect of the transplant journey: mental health and well-being for transplant patients.

Attendees received expert insights on managing mental health challenges before and after transplantation, as well as practical tips for coping with anxiety, stress, and lifestyle changes.

Watch the recording

Living well with Pulmonary Hypertension: Nutrition, exercise and mental health

Date: Monday 11 November

Attendees joined our panel of Pulmonary Hypertension clinical experts and patients who led a discussion highlighting some of the key elements of managing your health and wellbeing. Topics covered included nutrition, exercise and mental health. 

Watch the recording

Transplants and Skin Cancer: Risks, Prevention, and Management - Q&A

Date: Thursday, 27 June 

This webinar was the next in our series of webinars for transplant patients - Transplants and Skin Cancer: Risks, Prevention, and Management.

With summer allegedly just around the corner, transplant recipients need to stay vigilant about the heightened risk of developing skin cancer. Attendees found out why, the best ways to protect your skin, and what to look out for. Our expert speakers gave an overview of these topics and answered questions from participants.

Watch the recording

Post-transplant life and the 'big C'

Date: Monday 12 February

This session was the next in our series of webinars initiated by and for heart and lung transplant patients, their families and carers.

Participants got to learn more about navigating life post-transplant and addressing a crucial aspect – cancer risks.

Transplant patients are at a higher risk of  cancer due to the immunosuppressant medication needed to prevent rejection.

This webinar provided insight into which cancers are most common among heart and lung transplant patients. Expert speakers guided participants through preventative measures, what screening is available/ recommended and what red flags to look out for.

Presenters included specialists in GI cancer, skin cancer and haematologic malignancies, as well as general oncology.

Watch the recording

Empowering Patients: the Trust’s new patient portal and digital health record

Date: Thursday, 15 June

Epic, a new electronic health record (EHR) system will be launched this autumn. The webinar showed how this most ambitious programme will help empower patients to get more involved in decisions about their health, transform the way we deliver care and bring unique opportunities for research through better data capture, patient-driven service improvements and greater efficiency.

Presentations included an introduction to MyChart, an online patient portal and mobile app which offers patients personalised and secured access to manage and view information about their care at our hospitals and at community services. 

This webinar offered participants a unique opportunity to hear how the changes will improve patient experience and to ask questions before the new system goes live.


  • Wajid Hussain, Chief Clinical Information Officer, Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals
  • Andrew Wilkinson, Programme Director, Ambulatory Transformation, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

You can watch a recording of the event here.

Getting involved in Patient Experience and Improvement

Date: Thursday, 27 April

Understanding and involving patient, family and carer-lived experience is an essential component for improving our services.

Peer leaders Lindsey Stedman and Jude Irvine led the session which enabled attendees to learn more about:

  • improving family and patient-centered care
  • supporting and training for involvement of patients in quality improvement
  • the role of our patient and public engagement group and how to join
  • opportunities for involvement

You can watch a recording of the event here.

On the road to transplant

Date: Monday 27 March

Drawing on the experience of transplant patients, this webinar brought together experts from the disciplines patients and their families may meet on the road transplant.

This webinar answered the many questions patients and family members often have and also covered important topics that may yet not be on their horizons.

“When John (double lung transplant 2021) and I sat down to discuss topics for this webinar, it became clear that the knowledge we had at the start of our transplant journeys overlapped in some areas and was wildly different in others. Working with closely Dr Vicky Gerovasili (transplant consultant at Harefield Hospital), we came up with the subject areas we believe are key for both those already on the waiting list and those for whom transplant is likely. It’s what we wish had been available to us when we were told we needed transplants.”

Clare Lauwerys, Lung Transplant 2008

You can watch a recording of the event here.

Living well with heart failure

Date: Thursday, 23 March

Our multidisciplinary team of experts covered aspects of living with heart failure from causes, symptoms, treatments and medications to patient choices, how to live well with heart failure and where to find out more. This webinar was co-designed with patients, for patients and we were delighted to welcome Nick Hartshorne-Evans, founder and CEO of Pumping Marvellous Foundation, the UK’s patient-led heart failure charity, who chaired the event.

You can watch a recording of the event here.

Leading developments in quality, equity and efficiency of patient care

Date: Wednesday, 8 February

The session covered how several of our clinicians are leading developments in risk stratification to successfully address issues of quality, equity and efficiency of care. Risk stratification is the process of assigning a risk status to patients then using this information to direct care and ultimately improve overall health outcomes. Consultant cardiologist and lead for cardio-oncology, Dr Alexander Lyon and Dr Antonis Pantazis, consultant cardiologist and clinical lead for cardiomyopathy presented their work in this area and what this means for the future of patient outcomes.

You can watch a recording of the event here.

Focus on sleep

Date: Tuesday 11 October

Lack of sleep not only adversely affects daytime activities due to trouble concentrating, low mood and irritability, but it can also damage your health. Join us to hear from Dr Alanna Hare, consultant in sleep and respiratory medicine, who will discuss the importance of sleep, diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders and updates on the latest research.

You can watch a recording of the event here.

How the pandemic has shaped our response to healthcare challenges and an update on the vaccination programme

Date: Wednesday 21 September

Join Dr Richard Grocott-Mason, Chief Executive Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals, for a discussion on how the Trust’s responses to current healthcare challenges have been shaped by the pandemic. Participants will also hear from Professor Nick Hart, Consultant Physician in Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, Research & Development Office and Dr Ali Hashtroudi, Clinical Director and Honorary Senior Lecturer at Guy’s and St Thomas’ about the vaccination programme, including boosters.

The event was not recorded but presentations are available to view here and here. Information on the slides are accurate as of September 2022.

Life after transplant

Date: Monday 1 August

Vicky Gerovasili, consultant in respiratory and transplant medicine, and some of our patient members held an informative discussion for transplant patients, their carers and their families. The speakers covered a number of topics, including medication, daily life - from diet and nutrition to dental visits and tattoos, the impact of COVID-19, and current research and innovation.

You can watch a recording of the event here.   

Sarcoidosis patient day

Date: Thursday, 28 April

Hosted for sarcoidosis patients, this event was jointly held by Royal Brompton Hospital and SarcoidosisUK, a UK charity that supports people with sarcoidosis and leads medical research into the condition. Patients had the opportunity to hear from specialists at Royal Brompton Hospital and from hospitals across the UK, who covered a range of topics, including: 

  • Sarcoidosis as a condition
  • Treatment for sarcoidosis
  • Specific forms of sarcoidosis
  • Patient experiences of sarcoidosis
  • The role of multi-disciplinary teams in treating patients with sarcoidosis
  • Research into sarcoidosis 

You can watch a recording of the event here.

Focus on Heart Failure

Date: Wednesday, 27 April

At this event, specialists from our heart failure team discussed how heart failure - a condition that develops when your heart become less effective in pumping blood around the body - can be prevented, how it is diagnosed, what treatment options are available and what future developments may come from current research and clinical trials.

You can watch a recording of the event here.

Physiotherapy and diet - rehabilitation and beyond

Date: Wednesday, 9 February

Members of our physiotherapy and dietetics team discussed how they work with clinical colleagues to support our heart and lung patients. Participants gained an insight into the importance of diet and exercise, practical advice on how to make appropriate choices and how to build healthy eating habits and exercise, including breathing exercises, into their routine. 

You can watch a recording of the event here.

Focus on Pulmonary Hypertension

Date: Thursday 20 January

Giving an insight into pulmonary hypertension (PH), Dr John Wort, consultant and the clinical lead for the pulmonary hypertension service at Royal Brompton and Harefield, discussed symptoms, diagnosis, novel treatments and current research concerning the condition. The PH team at Royal Brompton Hospital works closely with colleagues at Guy’s and St Thomas’ and the only charity in the UK supporting people affected by the disease, Pulmonary Hypertension Association, UK

You can watch a recording of the event here.

Online patient event: debunking the myths around Covid-19, vaccines and sarcoidosis

Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals and SarcoidosisUK invited patients, their carers and healthcare professionals to join a free virtual event that aimed to debunk the myths around Covid-19, vaccines and sarcoidosis. Topics included: vaccines (types, efficacy, and role of immunosuppresion), efficacy and safety of Covid-19 vaccines, and sarcoidosis and Covid-19.

You can watch a recording of the event here.

Artificial Intelligence: transforming heart and lung care

This event focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its role in helping to improve outcomes for heart and lung patients. Speakers spoke about the role of AI, it’s application in healthcare settings and how it will impact the future of healthcare. 

You can watch a recording of the event here.

An introduction to the Peer Leadership Development Programme

Participants of this webinar were given overview of the Peer Leadership Development Programme, an innovative 4-step programme aimed at people with long-term health conditions and disabilities who could benefit from personalised care. Steps one and two of the programme are suitable for a wider audience eager to learn more about personalised care and how the NHS works. 

The Personalised Care Group, NHS England and NHS Improvemen believe it makes sense that the only way to ensure the NHS meets everyone’s needs, is to involve people who use NHS services, especially those who are living with a long-term health condition, disabled people and family carers.

You can watch a recording of the event here.

The role of genetic testing in diagnosing health conditions

Dr Deborah Morris-Rosendahl, consultant clinical scientist and head of the clinical genetics and genomics laboratory, talked about the significant role genetic testing plays in diagnosing suspected inherited cardiac and respiratory conditions. As she and her team celebrate the milestone achievement of analysing 10,000 samples of DNA, Dr Morris-Rosendahl also shared how genetic testing has enabled clinical teams across Royal Brompton and Harefield to diagnose conditions such as cystic fibrosis and inherited arrhythmia at an early stage, when treatment can be more effective.  

You can watch a recording of the event here.

Covid-19 and the vaccination programme

With the roll-out of the Covid-19 vaccine dominating our news, Professor Nick Hart, clinical director for respiratory, sleep and critical care, and Dr Ali Hashtroudi, clinical director, occupational health and honorary senior lecturer, shared their insights into different aspects of the vaccination programme, including vaccine hesitancy. 

You can download the presentation slides here

What a 'hybrid' model means for the future of patient care

The development of further home monitoring and increased capability of home testing are examples of innovations that have resulted in reducing the number of trips patients have had to make to our hospitals. This event heard from those at the centre of these developments, to help members better understand these changes and to share what other innovations are on the horizon.

You can watch a recording of the event here.

Sarcoidosis patient day

The first ever Sarcoidosis Patient Day took place on 1 April, hosted jointly by Royal Brompton Hospital and SarcoidosisUK. A virtual event, it was created specifically for sarcoidosis patients, with patient-centred sessions led by leading specialists.

You can watch a recording of the event here.

Be inspired, get involved

We looked back over the past year to highlight some of the great work that our hospital staff, volunteers and supporters managed to achieve during a particularly challenging time. From art classes, singing and tree planting, to research, working groups and charitable activities, speakers shared how people have joined together to help make a difference, and how you can, too.

Watch a recording of the event here.

Focus on innovation: the latest heart and lung research at our hospitals

Professor John Pepper, consultant cardiac surgeon and professor in cardiothoracic surgery at the National Heart and Lung Institute, imperial College London, led a session on why and how research is at the heart of our hospitals. He spoke about the latest heart and lung research initiatives and innovations, the role our hospitals are playing in Covid-19 research, and what projects are planned for the future. 

Watch a recording of the event here. You can also download the presentation slides here.

Staying afloat in challenging times

Following the success of our last wellbeing event, we were delighted to welcome psychologists, Dr Victoria Singh and Dr Anne-Marie Doyle for our next event in this series. They shared recommendations on how to live with uncertainty and stay calm amidst these challenging times.

Watch a recording of the event here

Covid-19 vaccines: your questions answered

Dr Vasilis Kouranos, consultant respiratory physician and honourary senior lecturer at the National Heart and Lung Institute and Dr Rakesh Sharma, consultant cardiologist and clinical lead for heart failure at Royal Brompton Hospital, recently hosted a session on the Covid-19 vaccination programme. They spoke about the benefits of having a Covid-19 vaccine, dispelled some common myths surrounding it, and answered a range of questions from members. 

Watch a recording of the event here