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Trust’s care rated ‘better than expected’ by patients

Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals have been named as performing “better than expected” in the Care Quality Commission’s 2019 Adult Inpatient Survey.

For the survey, which covers different aspects of care and treatment, the CQC looked at the experiences of more than 654 patients who stayed in our hospitals.

The Trust was named better than other trusts in eight of the 11 areas covered. Each area consists of a number of specific questions, on a variety of subjects such as waiting to get a bed, being informed about the next steps in treatment and being offered emotional support.

Patient feedback from across both hospitals showed:

99 per cent of patients felt they were treated with dignity and respect always or most of the time

Over 98 per cent of patients had confidence in all the staff who treated them, including nurses, doctors, physiotherapists, dietitians and other allied health professionals

96 per cent of patients felt they were involved in clinical decision making.

Areas which showed the biggest improvements since last year included elements of the discharge process:

• Harefield – a rise of 8 per cent to 88 per cent of patients being given printed information advice to take home.

• Royal Brompton – an 11 per cent rise to 89 per cent of patients reporting staff discussed the need for further health or social care services.

While the results were very positive, the patient and public engagement team will be working to identify key themes and build an action plan to address areas where there is room for further improvement.

Penny Agent, director of allied clinical sciences with oversight of patient experience, said: “We can be very proud of the patient feedback we have received in this survey. It’s a reflection of the brilliant work that everyone does at the Trust.

“There are many positives from this year’s survey particularly the number of patients who took part. The response rate increased from 37 per cent last year to nearly 53 per cent this year, giving us a more reliable information base. We achieved the rise by running a targeted publicity campaign throughout our hospitals encouraging patients to take part, during the period when the survey was being sent out. It’s just one example of how seriously we take this survey and demonstrates that we are always keen to listen and improve.”

Visit the CQC website to read the Trust’s report
