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As a foundation trust, we are governed by an elected council of governors and independently regulated by NHS Improvement. We have almost 11,000 members who we regularly consult on Trust strategy and service planning.

Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust has been an independent legal entity as a public benefit corporation since 1 June 2009. The powers of the Trust are set out in the National Health Service Act 2006, and amended by the Health and Social Care Act 2012. The Trust’s governance arrangements are laid out in the Trust’s constitution and standing orders, which include the membership, the council of governors and the Trust board of directors. There are four formal committees of the Trust board – the audit committee, the risk and safety committee, the finance committee and the nominations and remuneration committee – which collectively provide the board with assurance as to all aspects of the Trust’s performance.

The Trust board plays a key role in shaping the strategy, vision and purpose of the organisation. Board members are responsible for assuring that risks to the patients and staff are managed and mitigated effectively. The board is led by a chair, with a mix of both executive and non-executive members, and has collective responsibility for the performance of the organisation.

The council of governors, which comprises both elected and appointed governors, holds the non-executive directors to account for the board’s performance. The majority of the council are elected governors, who are drawn from the three constituencies of the membership – patient, public and staff. Appointed governors represent the Trust’s academic partners and also the two London boroughs in which the Trust’s hospitals are located. The council of governors appoints the Trust’s external auditor; and a sub-committee of the council, the nominations and remuneration committee, considers the appointment of the chair and the other non-executive members of the Trust’s board of directors.

Quality account

The Trust is required by law to produce a Quality Account, which is an annual report to the public about the quality of services delivered. The Quality Account 2019/20 is available on the Trust’s website and on the NHS Choices website.

Annual report and accounts

Read our full annual report and accounts for 2018/19.

Policy and performance

Read more information about our policy and performance

Our board and council of governors

Full details of our board of directors and council of governors can be found online. 

Views of Royal Brompton and Harefield hospitals

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Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust accounts >