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Health minister visits Royal Brompton Hospital

“The NHS at its absolute best”

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for NHS Productivity, Lord Prior of Brampton, visited Royal Brompton Hospital on Tuesday 12 April, where he enjoyed a tour of the hospital’s new state-of-the-art hybrid theatre and Fulham Wing. 

Lord Prior (centre) meets Professors Christoph Nienaber and John Pepper in the hybrid theatre

On his tour of the recently-opened hybrid theatre, Lord Prior discussed the role of technology in significantly improving treatments for patients with Dr Richard Grocott-Mason, consultant cardiologist and interim medical director, and Professor John Pepper, consultant cardiac surgeon and interim director of research.

He was keen to see how the hybrid theatre allowed clinical teams to treat patients with complex aortic disease with stents and surgery in a safer environment.

At the hospital’s Fulham Wing, Lord Prior met respiratory consultant and lung division director, Dr Andrew Menzies-Gow, who described the specialist nature of the Trust’s respiratory services. Dr Menzies-Gow also discussed some of the challenges involved in caring for patients in facilities that had outgrown their purpose, and outlined plans for a new respiratory inpatient wing.

Speaking after his visit, Lord Prior said: “It was great to see first-hand the world-class facilities in the hybrid theatre and to see how leading academic research can work with and improve clinical care.

“When you combine great research with great people you get a great hospital, which is exactly what we have at Royal Brompton.

"This is the NHS at its absolute best. A great tribute to clinicians, management and all staff - absolutely brilliant!"
