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Preceptorship programme

The Trust's preceptorship programme is offered to all newly qualified nurses, nursing associates, internationally-trained nurses and operating department practitioners (ODP).

Our preceptorship programme is designed to support you make the transition from student nurse to practitioner, where you will be led by a dedicated team that will guide and encourage your development. 

You will be required to attend five study days that will be held at either Royal Brompton Hospital or Harefield Hospital, depending on your site location. The content of the core study days includes: 

  1. Professionalism and accountability
  2. Communication and teamwork
  3. Clinical practice and stimulation
  4. Standards for Student Supervision and Assessment/Preceptorship (SSSA+P) Training
  5. Research, Quality and Safety, Leadership and celebration

If you are a return-to-practice nurse or internationally-trained nurse/operating department practitioner, a separate Accelerated Preceptorship Programme is offered to you. It consists of two study days and support from your preceptor in your clinical area. 

Continuing professional development

Once you’ve completed the preceptorship programme, you can continue to develop your cardio-respiratory nursing career by taking advantage of the many learning opportunities available to nurses at the Trust. 

For example, there are clinical study sessions, and online modules accessible via the Trust’s library and Learning Management System.

You may wish to apply to join the rotation programme, which enables nurses to gain experience across the spectrum of cardio-respiratory specialities. 

You may also be eligible to apply for external courses, which include:

  • bespoke study days
  • individual university modules
  • MSc degrees, including the cardio-respiratory nursing MSc. 

As your career develops, you may be given the opportunity to take part in the various leadership development programmes, which help prepare nurses for senior nursing roles within the Trust.


For more information about the preceptorship programme, contact: 

Kathleen Bolivar - Sister for nursing development
Telephone: 020 7352 8121 ext. 88841 
Bleep: 6123

Preceptorship quality mark