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Research podcasts and videos

We are at the forefront of pioneering research into heart and lung disease; successful research trials can lead to the development of new drugs, treatments and procedures, all aimed at helping improve the lives of patients in the UK and beyond.

Sharing what we do is an important part of the work we do and we offer even more insight into our research through our podcasts and videos which cover a range of topics related to heart and lung research. Click on the links below to watch and listen:



Professors Martin Cowie & Jane Davies on research governance

Professors Martin Cowie and Jane Davies discuss how to navigate the seemingly challenging area of research governance; lessons learned and with plenty of hints and tips. For further information please contact the research office.

Dr Anand Shah on lung infections

Dr Anand Shah discusses his research into lung infections, in particular cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis, and how finding alternatives for anti-fungal medication is just as important as finding alternatives for antibiotics. 

Dr Sanjay Prasad on dilated cardiomypoathy (DCM)

Dr Sanjay Prasad discusses dilated cardiomyopathy and explores his research into DCM which causes the walls of the heart to become too stretched and thin to pump blood effectively across the body. 

Dr John Wort on pulmonary hypertension

Dr John Wort talks more about his research into this disease, the condition itself and how our hospitals lead the way in pulmonary hypertension treatment.  

Dr Toby Maher on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Dr Toby Maher talks about his research into idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), a condition which causes progressive scarring of the lungs. It explores recent research into home monitoring for IPF and how it might help with research trials in the future.

Dr Tina Khan on coronary heart disease

Dr Tina Khan talks about her PhD research into refractory angina - a serious type of angina resistant to treatment with medication or revascularisation with stents and/or surgery.

Listen to our podcasts back-to-back


Imperial AHSC seminars

As a member of the Imperial College Academic Health Science Centre (AHSC) we host and participate in seminars across the partner organisations. These seminars, which are open to staff, patients and the wider public, are recorded and available to watch here

Find out more about our research partners here.



Research: changing lives

This short animation shows how research has always been the key to discovering new and innovative treatments that improve patient care and help to prevent and cure disease. 

Watch more videos here.
