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Dr Sandra Gala-Peralta
Dr Sandra Gala-Peralta

Dr Sandra Gala-Peralta

Consultant in paediatric intensive care medicine

Dr Sandra Gala-Peralta is a consultant in paediatric intensive care at Royal Brompton Hospital. 

Critical care and anaesthesia
Spoken Languages


  • PICU Commissioning for Quality and Innovation


Dr Sandra Gala-Peralta is a consultant in the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) at Royal Brompton Hospital. She has been in this role since 2012, when she joined the Trust as a permanent consultant.

She qualified in medicine at the University of Barcelona, where she also attained her MSc, and completed her specialist training in paediatrics and paediatric intensive care specialty at University Hospital Sant Joan de Deu in Barcelona, Spain.

Following previous work at Great Ormond Street Hospital as an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) fellow, she has actively collaborated with the Royal Brompton Hospital ECMO paediatric group in its development and consolidation as a unit.   

Areas of expertise

Cardiac intensive care is Dr Gala-Peralta’s main area of interest, in particular, mechanical life support in cardiac paediatric patients. This includes:

  • extracorporeal life support in paediatric cardiac patients 
  • neurodevelopment and neurological outcomes in paediatric cardiac patients. 


Dr Gala-Peralta is the deputy chair of the PICU Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) and national dashboard measures (PICU quality indicators). 

She also leads and presents at the monthly governance day for the PICU dashboard, including PRAiS analysis (short-term outcomes after surgery for congenital heart disease).