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Professor Kostas Dimpoulos
Professor Kostas Dimpoulos

Professor Konstantinos Dimopoulos

Consultant cardiologist , Professor of practice - adult congenital heart disease and pulmonary hypertension

Professor Kostas Dimopoulos is a consultant cardiologist and Professor of Practice in adult congenital heart disease (ACHD) and pulmonary hypertension (PH) at Imperial College London. 

Cardiology (heart)
Spoken Languages


Professor Dimopoulos has a PhD in ACHD and an MSc in modern epidemiology from Imperial College, London.

He has a Masters in pulmonary vascular disease from the University of Bologna, one of the leading PH centres in the world.

He trained in the University of Padua (Italy) and Amsterdam (Netherlands).

He has been on the GMC Specialist Register for Cardiology since 2003.

Areas of expertise

Professor Dimopoulos’ main areas of expertise are ACHD, including:

  • valve disease
  • congenital heart defects and complex cardiovascular anatomy
  • heart failure
  • invasive hemodynamic assessment
  • exercise physiology
  • epidemiology and prognostication in ACHD.

He is also an expert in PH of all types, including:

  • PH related to congenital heart disease (eg Eisenmenger syndrome)
  • idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension
  • chronic thromboembolic disease
  • PH related to other conditions. 

He is fully trained in general adult cardiology.

Professor Dimopoulos has been a senior clinician in the ACHD and PH service at the Royal Brompton Hospital since 2009. Before this, he supported the complex echocardiography service for almost two years.

He runs ACHD and PH clinics and diagnostic catheterisation sessions. He also cares for in-patients with ACHD and PH.

He supports shared care PH clinics at Southampton General Hospital, the John Radcliffe Hospital (Oxford) and Royal Berkshire Hospital (Reading).

He has been a senior lecturer with Imperial College London since 2011 and has been heavily involved in clinical research and the education of young doctors.

Research interests

Professor Dimopoulos’ research is predominantly clinical, aimed at addressing important unanswered questions in the area of ACHD and PH.

He is editor for a book on pulmonary hypertension in congenital heart disease (Springer 2017), one of the most complex areas in cardiology.


Professor Dimopoulos has been a nucleus member of the European Society of Cardiology working group for Pulmonary Circulation and Right Ventricular Function (2014-18).


Professor Dimopoulos is recognised worldwide for his publication record in ACHD, PH and other areas of cardiology.

He has published over 250 journal articles, 108 conference abstracts and numerous book chapters, for a total of 377 publications (Imperial College Symplectics Elements 10/10/2019) and 7221 citations (h-index 43, ResearchGate 10/10/2019).

He is a reviewer for major cardiovascular journals and regularly lectures at national and international centres and conferences, promoting education and research in areas such as Eisenmenger syndrome.

Private patient referral

If you would like to make an appointment with this specialist for private care, contact the RB&HH Specialist care team