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Dr Francesco Del Sindaco
Dr Francesco Del Sindaco

Dr Francesco Del Sindaco

Consultant cardiothoracic anaethetist

Dr Francesco Del Sindaco is a consultant in cardiothoracic anaesthesia at Royal Brompton Hospital.


Dr Del Sindaco qualified at University of Perugia’s medical school in 1987 and trained in pain therapy for two years at the University of Siena, Italy. He decided to return to study at the University of Perugia in 1989, specialising in anaesthesia and intensive care therapy. 

With a particular interest in cardiac anaesthesia, Dr Del Sindaco undertook positions in both Perugia and Rome to gain more experience in the field before being appointed as a consultant in cardiac anaesthesia at S.Maria della Misericordia Hospital of Perugia until March 2011.

He then worked at the Essex Cardiothoracic Centre, part of Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, before joining Royal Brompton Hospital in October 2012 as a consultant.

Areas of expertise

Dr Del Sindaco has clinical expertise in surgical anaesthesia with:  

  • off-pump and minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass grafts (CABGs)
  • mitral valve repair and replacement
  • aortic valve homograft replacement
  • ascending aorta and arch surgery
  • percutaneous patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure
  • percutaneous aortic valve replacement
  • the use of difficult airways management devices
  • pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) insertion and PAC-guided hemodynamic therapy
  • transoesophageal and transthoracic echocardiography (European Society of Cardiology (TOE) accreditation)
  • left-ventricular assist devices.

Research interests

De Del Sindaco has a specialised interest in the research of general and cardiothoracic anaesthesia and in pain therapy for patients.


Between 2007 and 2011 Dr Del Sindaco was an honorary lecturer at the University of Perugia, teaching medical students and anaesthetic registrars. Since he joined Royal Brompton Hospital, he has hosted teaching sessions for anaesthetic registrars about postoperative bleeding and its management, hydroelectrolyte balance and pH-stat versus alpha-stat cardiopulmonary bypass management.